DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
The One Ring/LOTR RPG Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
A fan-run, active Discord for players and loremasters to discuss the roleplaying games The One Ring and Lord of the Rings (as well as their previous editions). We discuss the rules, Tolkien lore, published adventures, tips and tricks, and more. We also have spaces set aside for finding actual play, and host Narvi, a Discord bot for The One Ring games.
Laurelin RP Group Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing | Community
A welcoming, friendly community for all roleplayers on the LOTRO Laurelin server.
r/MiddleEarth Discord Icon
Community | Mature
Your Home to all things Tolkien related from News, Books, Games, Discussions, Movies and much more on J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium.
SentieriTolkieniani Icon
Entra nel canale discord di Sentieri Tolkieniani, la community discord italiana riguardante il mondo degli scritti del Professore Tolkien
Tolkiendil Icon
Community | Hobbies
L'Association Tolkiendil réunit la communauté francophone des passionnés de J.R.R. Tolkien, l'auteur du Seigneur des Anneaux ! Partagez votre passion avec nous !
Tolkien Gateway Icon
Entertainment | Community
The official server for Tolkien Gateway. Dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien's works including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
Karak Thramrin Icon
Community | Role-Playing
Warriors of Camelot LOTRO Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a casual and active kinship in LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE on the GLADDEN server, with members online every day and usually at all times as we are an international kinship. We don't require gear or deed requirements and understand everyone games at their own pace.
Rohan and the Wild Hills Icon
Writing | Gaming
Rohan and the Wild Hills is a server dedicated to roleplay in Rohan, Dunland, Enedwaith, and their surrounds on the Laurelin LotRO server. Our goal is to connect players & characters who roleplay in these regions—whether native to these lands, settled from afar, or simply passing through. We promote events, plots, kinships, and more—anything that supports roleplay growth in these regions. We’ll discuss Rohirric and Dunlending culture, compare our experience RPing characters in these regions, and share more of our love for each—or either—land. We look forward to RPing with you! For Rohan! For Dunland!
The Last Bridge Icon
Role-Playing | Community
The Last Bridge is a small & laid-back discord group to connect Lord of the Rings roleplayers from various platforms & communities. If you've enjoyed roleplaying in Middle Earth, you will find others who share your interests here. Roleplayers from Lord of the Rings Online — Landroval, Laurelin, Belegaer & all servers — and players of The One Ring/ AiME are welcome here. ⬥ Open to friendly roleplayers / supportive Tolkien fans only. ⬥ Join discussions about lore, storytelling, gameplay, history, immersion, literature, music, coffee... ⬥ Find new ideas, new plots & new people to rp with. ⬥ Share your own writing & creative projects. ⬥ Experiment & take your character(s) in new directions. ⬥ Get feedback/advice from others who are familiar with the lore & have fun with it. ⬥ Explore any and all regions (Rohan, Gondor, Dale, Bree, Rivendell...) and time periods before/after the War of the Ring. No pressure to stay. Feel free to try it out. [http://discord.me/thelastbridge]
Laurelin Gateway Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Do you like Tolkien? Do you like LotR? Are you a roleplayer? Are you not? -- Then we're just perfect for you! With Laurelin Gateway we encourage members to discuss things ranging from Geography, History, Linguistics and Mythopoeia to Roleplay and LotR styled content!
TheOneRing.net Icon
Community | Entertainment
This discord server is for all fans of JRR Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings.
Ash & Oak Investments Icon
Business | Investing
Join the Ultimate Entrepreneurial Hub for the Carolinas and Virginia! 🌟 Are you an entrepreneur, investor, or real estate enthusiast in North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia? 🚀 This is your exclusive opportunity to connect, collaborate, and grow with like-minded visionaries in YOUR region!
Ash & Oak Investments Discord Server Banner
Ash & Oak Investments Icon
Business | Investing
Join the Ultimate Entrepreneurial Hub for the Carolinas and Virginia! 🌟 Are you an entrepreneur, investor, or real estate enthusiast in North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia? 🚀 This is your exclusive opportunity to connect, collaborate, and grow with like-minded visionaries in YOUR region!
Against the Shadow || LOTR RP Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
The Elves of the Woodland Realm and Lothlórien have come under attack from the fortress of Dol Guldur, once thought abandoned. Orcs have entered the realm of Khazad-dûm and are fighting with every ounce of their worth to wrest Durin's kingdom hall by hall. Orcs from Mount Gram are harassing the Greenfields of the Shire and wargs have come down from the mountains. The Witch-Realm of Angmar has been destroyed, but the Men of Gondor and the Elves of Lindon were unable to save Arthedain or their capital of Fornost, and the last holdout of old Arnor is fallen. Worse yet, the Ringwraiths have returned in force and retaken the dread land of Mordor from a sickening Gondor. As forces mass on either side, it is only a matter of time before the hard-won peace is shattered and war again consumes Middle-Earth. Will you win a future for Elves, Men, Dwarves and Hobbits or allow the enemy to return?
The Lord of the Rings Online Icon
Gaming | Community
A friendly and growing community server for the players of the game The Lord of the Rings Online and for lovers of Tolkien!
The Tolkienverse Icon
Community | Entertainment
Our official Tolkien lover / Lord of The Rings / The Hobbit / Silmarillion enthusiast discord community server for all the fans, diehard Tolkien lovers, and more! We love everything about Tolkien's brilliant works as a writer, inspiration, and incredible, and quite unforgettable thinker. Join on in the journey to Middle Earth today!
House of Silmarils Icon
Movies | Community
•Journey across middle earth and share your love for Tolkien’s works with active members! •There's a place for every book, movie and music inspired by the history of middle earth! •Made specifically to connect and build friendships with other Tolkien fans! There’s even a personal section to share some of your other hobbies! •Soon to add games and daily questions. As well as a live streaming of rings of powers/lotr movies>,<
Crickhollow - LOTRO Icon
Gaming | Community
This is a discord for Crickhollow Server on the Lord of the Online, a community of players on the server to help out others with Crafting, quest, raids/instances, events, advice and more! we strive to make a great, friendly community here for the players!
Angbang/Melron Icon
Entertainment | Hobbies
For those of us who ship Melkor & Mairon otherwise known as Morgoth and Sauron from Tolkien’s Legendarium
A Halflings Journey Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
╔═══*.·:·.★ ✦ ★・:・:*═══╗ ╚═══*.·:·.★ ✦ ★・:・:*═══╝ A VicWrites Production proudly introduces another immersive roleplay experience. A Hobbit Roleplay! Based entirely on the world Tolkien created. 18+ Bilbo Baggins would like you very much to understand tea time is at four, and he’d like not to miss it; thank you very much. Join him - Bilbo says no - in his perilous journey with the dwarves as he battles his own bravery, love and loss, as they retake Erebor. For good or ill. The Company shall face many hardships both behind and ahead of them if they should ensure their survival; and even with a burglar, that proves difficult. WHAT WE OFFER: A cohesive plot that YOU have a chance on helping create. Helpful and kind staff Absolutely judgement free zone Plenty of RP Channels and more upon request A wide variety of canons and OCs allowed
Peregrin - LOTRO Icon
Gaming | Community
This is an unofficial discord for Peregrin US RP Server coming soon to The Lord of the Rings Online, a community of players on the server to help out others with Crafting, quest, raids/instances, events, advice and more! we strive to make a great, friendly community here for all the players!