ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Palworld Central Icon
Gaming | Community
Palworld Central is the best Palworld Discord server, we have an active english speaking community, with tons of LFG channels to choose from. With the help of our server, you are always able to find someone to play with!
Pain Squad Community Icon
Gaming | Community
Hi trainer! looking for an amazing Pokemon GO community? Our server offers more than just raids. Joining our Pain Squad community you can look forward to meeting new players from all over the world, Trade, Battle, earn cool unique roles that will make you stand out and participate on giveaways! Our community is a very safe and friendly environment. We have the strongest Pokemon GO discord staff and a set of rules and guidelines that need to be followed so that we can ensure peace and order in our community. You can count on us and we hope you'll have a good time here!!
Anime | Gaming
Pokemon fans server to have fun and talk about Pokemon cards, trading cards and exclusive bots
PokeSnipe Icon
Anime | Gaming
PokeSnipeBot: The Ultimate Pokémon eBay Deal Hunter 🛍️🔎 Step into the realm of unparalleled Pokémon shopping with PokeSnipeBot. Our mission? To ensure you never miss out on an eBay Pokémon deal, no matter where on the globe it originates. From Japan's unique cards to the US's rare collectibles, we fetch them all, bringing the world of Pokémon trading closer to you. Distinctive Features: 🌍 Global Scope: Our bot scours listings from every corner of the world. 🤖 Advanced Algorithm: We don't just bring deals; we bring the best! Our algorithm evaluates listings on price, Pokémon popularity, seller ratings, and much more. 🔒 User-Centric: Set custom alerts, select channels for notifications, and fine-tune your preferences. Key Commands: /config addchannel [channel-name]: To introduce a channel for the hottest deals. /config removechannel [channel-name]: To bid adieu to the alerts. With PokeSnipeBot, you're not just shopping; you're embarking on a Pokémon treasure hunt. Let's m
Brasil Poké Drink Icon
Community | Gaming
Nosso servidor oferece chats engajados, canais de voz, sorteios, suporte amigável e muito mais. Junte-se a nós para uma comunidade acolhedora e divertida! ⚠️ Este espaço não é um mercado! Não tente vender Pokémons, contas e etc.
Snap Deck TCG Icon
Manga | Hobbies
Hey everyone! 👋 If you're into TCGs like Pokémon, Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or any other trading card games, you’ve got to check out our new TCG Discord Server! Whether you're looking to: ✅ Meet fellow collectors and players ✅ Buy, sell, or trade your cards safely ✅ Share your latest pulls and epic wins ✅ Discuss strategies and deck builds ✅ Just hang out and have a good time with like-minded people We’ve got an awesome, welcoming community that’s growing every day — and we’d love for you to be a part of it! 👉 Join us here: https://discord.gg/tGqJMeMSEy Come say hi, show off your collection, and make some trades! See you there! 😎
Rocket HQ Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Welcome to Rocket HQ! We are a fast growing community of gamers across all playing styles, and we welcome you to join us. We started with just Pokemon Go, and 17K members later we now also cover Pokemon Sword & Shield, and Animal Crossing New Horizons. We recently added a Minecraft Bedrock server too, and are open to other games if there's enough demand. Everyone is welcome here, and we are always striving to improve our services for the community. Some of the things we currently offer are: • Giveaways (in game items mostly) • Free bots, including our own custom bot • Free iOS & Android Support • 100IV Coords Feeds • Level 3 Nitro Perks • Self-assignable roles • Meltan Box services • Raid chains (PoGo) • Shiny hunts✨(PoGo) • Raid dens (Sword & Shield), • Custom slots game, and more! We also have a small but growing Pokémon PvP section, and have been expanding our Sword & Shield and Animal Crossing offerings. Come say hi and hangout with us!
Pokemon GO LA County Icon
Gaming | Community
Los Angeles County Pokemon Go Community
JigsawPokéServices Icon
Gaming | Business
This server was created for my customers, who would like to buy any Pokemon go stuff from me - Shinies, Legendaries, Meltan Boxes, Event tickets etc. AND it was created becouse i want to create the better Pokemon Go community with helping other players to enjoy the game !
Pokémon GO Thessaloniki Icon
Pokemon GO community for players in Thessaloniki, Greece. Feel free to join if you are a traveler in Thessaloniki and wish to find some raid groups!
PokémonGO Łódź Icon
Gaming | Community
Witaj na naszym serwerze Trenerze! Jeśli jesteś tu pierwszy raz, przeczytaj tych kilka poniższych informacji: 1)Nasz serwer służy do sprawnej komunikacji pomiędzy graczami, więc pomóż nam zbudować zorganizowaną społeczność i rozwijaj się z nami! 2)Koniecznie ustaw swój pseudonim wg. instrukcji, którą znajdziesz na kanale #?informacje. Jeżeli będziesz mieć z tym problem, poproś moderację o pomoc. 3)Zweryfikuj swoją drużynę na kanale #weryfikacja 4)Przeczytaj nasz regulamin, znajdziesz go na kanale #?regulamin. 5)Aby rozeznać się z naszym serwerem, przeczytaj informacje, które znajdują się na kanale #?informacje. 6)Pamiętaj, że cały czas sie rozwijamy i ulepszamy nasz serwer! Jeżeli masz ciekawe pomysły, lub jakieś pytanie, napisz do moderacji na kanale #?sprawy-do-moderacji. 6)Baw się dobrze! Życzymy miłego pobytu :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Gaming | Streaming
This is a community server that supports Peskywabbit's twitch stream however it is quickly growing into a lovely place to chat and hang out. We regularly stream Pokemon Go, Rocket League and many other chilled games. This server supports it and we regularly host Pokémon Go raids, share pokemon news, cards, music, memes and chit chat.
A T A R A X I A Icon
Community | Social | Mature
// 21+ Server // We're a level 3 SFW community of 21+ adults looking to hang out, voice chat, chill and have fun with. With plenty of events and games, come hang out and stay a while.
A T A R A X I A Discord Server Banner
A T A R A X I A Icon
Community | Social | Mature
// 21+ Server // We're a level 3 SFW community of 21+ adults looking to hang out, voice chat, chill and have fun with. With plenty of events and games, come hang out and stay a while.
Pokemon Go Nieuwland Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Wij zijn Pokémon Go Nieuwland (Amersfoort). De bedoeling van deze groep is een plek hebben waar we met alle drie de teams een leuke tijd kunnen hebben. We moedigen daarom iedereen aan om juist de mensen te ontmoeten die je niet zo vaak tegenkomt, om zo één groep te worden in plaats van een collectie van meerdere kleinere groepen.
PkmnMstrz Icon
Gaming | eSports
A Pokémon GO server for your favourite podcast hosted by a familiar pair of potty mouths. Jump on in to get to know your hosts a little better, join out remote raiding crew, or even take part in some PvP.
The Deino Den Icon
Gaming | Streaming
We are a community of Pokemon GO players brought together from watching djkizza on Twitch and listening to the Raid Train Podcast! We have Remote Raids, banter and fun! Join us and make sure you submit your trainer profile pic to access the entrirety of the Discord!
Pokémon Go Academy Icon
Gaming | Streaming
We promote community based Pokémon Go gameplay, through live raid coordination, training, sharing, collaboration, and having a great time!
Pokémon GO Thüringen Icon
Community | Gaming
Der inoffizielle Community Server für Pokémon GO Spieler in ganz Thüringen! Hier könnt ihr euch gegenseitig über alles was mit Pokémon zu tun hat, austauschen. Schließt Freundschaften in eurer Umgebung und verabredet euch zu gemeinsamen treffen! Viel Spaß und Lets GO!
Pokemon Go Raids Discord Icon
Community | Gaming
If you're looking for Pokemon go raids, or just a community centered around Pokemon go, join here! We are a great platform to join or host POGO raids
Treffpunkt-Enton Icon
Community | Anime
Herzlich Willkommen bei Treffpunkt Enton, einem gemütlichen Communityserver, auf dem es nie langweilig wird! Was ihr bei uns findet: Eine offene und freundliche Community Servereigene Emotes Giveaways und Events, bei denen ihr tolle Preise absahnen könnt Chats zu verschiedenen Themen Ein allzeit hilfsbereites Team Wir freuen uns über jedes neue Mitglied, Euer Team Enton!
Bumper Icon
Community | Anime
Herzlich Willkommen bei Treffpunkt Enton, einem gemütlichen Communityserver, auf dem es nie langweilig wird! Was ihr bei uns findet: Eine offene und freundliche Community Servereigene Emotes! Giveaways und Events, bei denen ihr tolle Preise absahnen könnt Chats zu verschiedenen Themen Ein allzeit hilfsbereites Team Und natürlich Enton Wir freuen uns über jedes neue Mitglied, Euer Team Enton!
Pokemon go cheap services Icon
Gaming | Business
We like to help pout the people who cant raid or get the cool things other people have like raidng local raids only or regional pokemon.
PoGo Zone Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Just a Chill Pokémon Go Server for Hanging Out, Discussing Upcoming Events, Arranging Raid Battles, Adding Trainers Around the Globe via Friend Codes, and Having Fun!
POKEMON GO THUNDER BAY Ambassador run server. This is the place to be if you're playing in the area! Meetups with CHECK IN rewards and plenty of raids to keep you busy.
Pokemon Go Walsall Community Icon
Gaming | Travel
A Walsall only community. Here you can join up for events and work as a team in walsall. So join up to play with other now
Penny Stock News Icon
Trading | Financial
Penny Stock News is the ultimate 🚀🔥 FREE PENNY STOCK ALERT Discord!🚀🔥 Get real-time trade ideas, breaking stock news, and expert insights on the hottest small-cap plays. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our community helps you stay ahead of the market—all at no cost. Don't miss out on the next big runner! Join now and start trading smarter! 🚀🔥
Penny Stock News Discord Server Banner
Penny Stock News Icon
Trading | Financial
Penny Stock News is the ultimate 🚀🔥 FREE PENNY STOCK ALERT Discord!🚀🔥 Get real-time trade ideas, breaking stock news, and expert insights on the hottest small-cap plays. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our community helps you stay ahead of the market—all at no cost. Don't miss out on the next big runner! Join now and start trading smarter! 🚀🔥
PoGo East Baltimore County Icon
Gaming | Community
Pokemon go group for Baltimore County, Maryland. We are active and do most raid days, and other in person events!
Social | Anime
Welcome to OASE, your go-to social server for relaxed conversations and new friendships! Whether you want to share your thoughts, engage in fun discussions, or simply hang out, this is the place for you!!!
PokéStore 24/7 - Coins & More Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
🇩🇪 Pokémon Go Coins günstig und schnell – rund um die Uhr verfügbar! Mein Service unterstützt sowohl iOS- als auch Android-Nutzer und bietet dir die Möglichkeit, dein Spiel auf das nächste Level zu bringen. Bevorzugt wird die Verwendung von PTC, jedoch ist auch Google möglich. Mit den erworbenen Coins kannst du problemlos Items wie Pokébälle, Pässe, Rauch und Eierbrutmaschinen im Spiel kaufen, ohne lange darauf sparen zu müssen. So förderst du eine schnelle Weiterentwicklung deines Spiels. Vorteile meines Services: • Sicher und zuverlässig • Einfache und unkomplizierte Abwicklung • Schneller Zugang zu Coins für eine rasante Spielentwicklung ✨ Zusatzangebote: • Für jeden geworbenen Neukunden gibt es kostenlose Coins als Prämie • Mengenrabatt möglich (Preis pro 100 Coins sinkt bei größeren Bestellmengen) Datenschutz: Deine Sicherheit und Privatsphäre stehen an erster Stelle. Es werden keine persönlichen Daten gespeichert.
Pokémew Icon
Gaming | Anime
Comunidad hispana de Pokémon. ¡Visita nuestro servidor!
Parker Raiders - Pokemon GO Icon
Gaming | Fitness
A small server wanting to grow larger to do coordinated Pokemon GO Raid groups in Parker, CO. Any one is welcome to join! Our server uses Hemlock and will (for the moment) go off the method of announcing in one channel and the raid will auto populate in the Raid Text Category. Members can use screenshots to update their team assignment, and their level. *Improvements are being made still so announcements of changes will have a channel * If you're in the area of Parker, CO and would like to join, PLEASE do, we are excited for raiding and can use the help!
Pokémon Battle Frontier Africa Icon
eSports | Gaming
?Pokémon Battle Frontier Africa™ Come and Battle other Pokémon trainers to the ultimate experience in Gym Battles. Join any of our Channels from Pokémon GO, Let's GO and Sword And Shield
Alief Strong Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Pokemon Go community in the Alief, TX area and surrounding. Houston, Stafford, Sugarland, Chinatown, Westchase, Mission Bend
Pokémon GO Hangout Icon
Gaming | Community
A server to hang out and talk about Pokémon GO! You can add friends, organize raid battles, and more! Hope you all enjoy!
Pokemon GO: Montreal Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Pokemon GO Montreal! Perfect place for finding raid buddies On the island or in the South/North shores!
Catan Australian Explorers Icon
Community | Gaming
A nation-wide community server the mobile game, Catan World Explorers, published by Niantic.
Pokemon GO Friends Icon
Gaming | Community
Hey there! Come join our Pokemon GO server! We have a raids channel where you can invite people to join your raid, a friend code channel that you can use to share you friend code and a couple of other channels. If you are interested then be sure to join! <3
Polish Pokémon GO Community Icon
Gaming | eSports
Polska społeczność Pokémon GO. Zapraszamy zarówno raidujących, jak i uczestniczących w turniejach (nie tylko Silph Arena!). Szczególnie zachęcamy do dołączenia liderów społeczności i twórców, gdyż mamy dla nich specjalne miesjce pomagające się zorganizować.
BloodRaven Icon
Community | Gaming | Role-Playing
A cool roleplay community with tons of good gamers offering friendship while dealing with life we are like family here come on and join in?
BloodRaven Discord Server Banner
BloodRaven Icon
Community | Gaming | Role-Playing
A cool roleplay community with tons of good gamers offering friendship while dealing with life we are like family here come on and join in?
Pokémon GO Szczecin Icon
Gaming | eSports
Szczecińska społeczność Pokémon GO. Raidy i turnieje dla wszystkich, a gdy poznamy się lepiej - lokalizacje zadań, spawny oraz Team GO Rocket. No i nie zapomnijmy - świetne towarzystwo!
Gaming | Community
⭐️PO GO COMMUNITY⭐️ -100ivs -remote raids -nice community -candy hunts/shiny hunts And more ?
Pokemon Go Deutsch Icon
Gaming | Bot
Hi, Du suchst coole Leute die mit dir Pokemon Go spielen und Raids machen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig
Pokémon Global Family Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
One of the largest Pokemon GO Community worldwide .we have an awesome and super helpful staff for all your needs.Great place to find coords for 100iv Pokemon .we have a Music Bot in here, you can listen to your favorite music, and chill! and much more.
Gaming | Support
The Best and Cheapest services you found out in the wild, for your one and only POKEMON GO.
The Pokemon Center Community Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a member driven Pokemon community that is active in shiny raids, battling and much more including daily giveaways! Come join the Family!
Pokémon Go Worldwide Icon
Gaming | Community
Were just a group of Pokémon players who want to help battle and catch Pokémon. we want to grow a nice community of active players full of positivity.
POGO Raiders Icon
Gaming | Community
Pokémon go raiding server! We are a tight-knit community focused on raiding and building a community! Make sure you drop in and say hello. This is a great place to make new friends and to grab those shiny legendaries! We want you to join, will you drop in and say hello? The shiny legendaries are waiting for you!
pokechats Icon
Gaming | Community
Stop waisting money on raid services. Pokechat is completely free and is open for the entire public regardless where you live. We strive to have an active community at all times with help from players around the world. Also take advantage of our pvp and add friends to give and receive gifts daily.
Shiny Hunting Hideout Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Shiny Hunting Hideout - a place for you to connect with other shiny hunters and share your experiences!! We are a Pokemon shiny hunting focused server with game specific channels, a shiny show off channel, a place to ask for advice and tips, fun bots, and lots of chatting! Any kind of shiny hunter is welcome whether beginner or expert. We are an accepting bunch of people who just wanna share this hobby with other people! Server suggestions are always welcome and are on a voting system, so let us know if you want anything added~
Pokemon GO Queensland AUSTRALIA Icon
Gaming | Fitness
A great place to make friends and do raid battles!
Gaming | Community
A Pokemon Go raiding remote raiding server with general community chats and all the tools you could need for the game.
Furcord Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Welcome to Furcord, a furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more.
Furcord Discord Server Banner
Furcord Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Welcome to Furcord, a furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more.
Pokemon GO Deutschland Icon
Gaming | Social
Pokemon GO Deutschland Server - Eigene Kategorien für jedes Bundesland und Team.Raid System - Hilfe zum Spiel - News zum Spiel - Gut Moderiert.
Pokémon GO Icon
Gaming | Community
Serveur Pokémon GO, JCC Pokémon et jeux Pokémon dont Pokémon Écarlate et Violet - Organisez et participez à des raids avec le bot !
Pokémon GO Türkiye Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Pokemon Go Türkiye Topluluğu Discord Sunucusu -Raid Organizasyonlarına Katıl -Arkadaşlık Kodları Paylaşanlarla Ekleş -Güncel Oyun İçi Etkinliklerden Haberdar Ol -Discord Özel Etkinliklerle Oyun Zevkini Zenginleştir -Yeni Başlayadıysan Rehber Kanalımıza Göz At -Wayfarer Pokestop İstekleri İçin Yardımlaş Hepsi ve daha fazlası için discord.gg/qwvujYJXge
Rainbow Peak ?? Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Welcome to the Rainbow Peak! ?? Greetings, Trainers! Welcome to Rainbow Peak, a LGBTQ+ friendly space (allies are welcome too!) for discussing anything related to Pokémon! No matter if you’re a beginner who just finished your first gym or a competitive pro player, all are welcome. Discuss your strategy for your next nuzlocke run, get hyped over the latest news, get some people to do a Go raid or a Unite battle, or just stop by to chat! Hope to see you there! What do we have to offer? ? An LGBT-friendly space for all! ⚔️ Channels for Unite, Go, Sw/Sh, and more! ✨ Art and general discussion channels ? Places to find teammates and tips ? PokeTwo! plenty more being added each day! If you want to be a part of a new, friendly community, join us today!
PokeFriends Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a growing community full of fans of trading, breeding, battling and Pokémon as a whole. We also have a Gym Challenge in which you can battle the Gym Leaders in a semi-competitive setting. Gym leaders use a single type and make their own battle format. At this moment we are recruiting new gym leaders for certain types. We of course welcome anyone interested in, trading breeding, or participating in our Gym Challenge as a challenger. Our community is PG and friendly! We hope to see you there, and feel free to message @league rep or @ballguy/gal for more help once you join.
Pokémon Go Portugal Icon
Gaming | Social
Esta é uma comunidade Portuguesa que foca no jogo Pokémon GO Aqui vais encontrar novas pessoas para jogar, trocar presentes, fazer raids, trocas etc... Venha conhecer o nosso servidor, verificando-se e divirta-se
Pokémon Go Committee Icon
Gaming | Support
A Pokémon Go Server that offers raids, trades, and a lot more! Join our Facebook Messenger group for better interaction and exclusive features.
Elite Raiders Icon
Gaming | eSports | Community
Elite Raiders club Welcome to an elite server for pogo raids -One of the fastest-growing community. -Active 24/7 raids -News and infographics -PvP -Friendly Community -SFW server.
Beast_Gamers Icon
Gaming | Anime
my server is new and special for people who like to hang out i love to play pokemon unite if you play unite you may become my first member or someone after that anyways pls join
Catch 'Em All Icon
Gaming | Emoji
This server is for Pokemon Go Spoofing. Loaded with 1000s of coordinates of Pokemon and raids per day. Get premium features for free that you wont get anywhere.
Pokémon Go Liverpool Icon
Gaming | Community
Our aim is to help Pokemon Go players organise raids, PvP tournaments, make new friends, community day organisation, and much more. We are linked to the Liverpool Telegram group and a few localised Facebook Chats, which cover North Liverpool (Walton, Anfield, Walton Vale, Fazakerley), Bootle (and Seaforth), Waterloo/Crosby, and a very new addition of Kensington/Old Swan. If you have a local facebook chat for an area not covered, feel free to ask an admin about getting it added. There are also some localised channels on the server, and if there is enough interest we can add more. When you first join the server you will be asked to assign your team to gain access to the main channels. Please read the pinned posts to see how to do this, and check pinned posts in any other channel, as there is a lot of useful information to aid your enjoyment of Pokemon GO and this server. You will also be sent a message with important rules that you must follow while a part of this server.
Pokemon Go Remote Raiding Icon
Gaming | Social
Friendly staff, weekly raid hours, and more! We can't wait to raid with you!