Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
TheVoid Icon
Community | YouTuber
We are a fun and welcoming Nintendo community made to be a place where people can have fun and talk about whatever they want, share their creativity and make new friends while doing so. Each and every member will be appreciated, so feel free to come join the chat here.
The Great Plateau Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello and thanks for stopping by. We're a wonderful Zelda community server hoping to be a fun and safe server for Zelda and Nintendo fans from all around the world, so we'd be glad if you came join us here too. Hope to see you here on the Great Plateau soon.
Pixel Power Players Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Jesteś zapalonym graczem? Szukasz miejsca, gdzie możesz porozmawiać o ulubionych grach, konsolach, komputerach i ciekawostkach z branży? Serwer powstał z myślą o połączeniu ducha klasycznych tytułów z pasją do najnowszych produkcji. Do tego kanały dedykowane, filmom / serialom / popkulturze, itd. :-) 🎮 Zapraszamy na nasz serwer Discord: Pixel Power Players! 🎮
Pikmit Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Zapraszam wszystkich pasjonatów gier wideo! Tu dzielimy się ciekawostkami ze świata gier i tworzymy społeczność, która kocha gaming. Rozmawiamy o klasykach i nowościach. Dowiesz się też o nowych odcinkach z serii "Trzaskobłyski Myślowe" na YouTube. Dołącz do naszej społeczności! :-)
Pokémon Legends: Z-A Icon
Community | Gaming
We welcome you to the Official Pokemon Legends Z-A Discord Server! We’re a friendly and open server dedicated to the upcoming game where we talk about news, gameplay, story, and more! We are also affiliated with the r/PokemonZA subreddit. As fellow Pokémon fans, we’re all looking forward to the game and would love to share our hype and excitement with one another in our thriving community-based environment.
Cool Friends • Matching Icons Icon
Gaming | Anime
✧・゚:* ╌╌╌╌「♡ Friends ♡」╌╌╌╌*:・゚✧ 🖤⸝⸝ Active Chats - Talk to people! 🖤⸝⸝ Self-Roles - Tons of roles to choose from! 🖤⸝⸝ Giveaways - Tons of Nitro Giveaways and others! 🖤⸝⸝ Cute emotes! - We offer 500 cute emotes for you to use! 🖤⸝⸝ 1000 New Intros Daily - You can make intros to make many friends! 🖤⸝⸝ Active Voice Channels - We offer tons of active voice channels 🖤⸝⸝ 3:1 Ratio - They're tons of girls to talk to! ✧・゚:* ╌╌╌╌「♡ Friends ♡」╌╌╌╌*:・゚✧
18+ Make A Relationship #Active Icon
Anime | Community
A server where you can make friends! Or even find a special someone by simply talking and making an intro!
Everything Nintendo Icon
Gaming | Social
A mature Nintendo server with mostly people from Europe! You're free to organise your own events like Movie and Game Nights! Feel free to join and talk about your favourite nintendo things! Also many other channels that aren't about nintendo, like food, animal and movie channels! See you there!
Nintendo France Icon
Gaming | Social
Plus de 3000 Membres, NINTENDO FRANCE lié au serveur discord Team Victory est une communauté Nintendo - Multigaming, Animes et Mangas ! - Trouvez des Joueurs(es) Pokémon, Mario, Zelda, Super Smash Bros. - Distributions de Pokémon Shiny à Volonté ! - Animés en Streaming sans PUB, rejoins-nous !!! Rejoins nous =>
Metroid Prime Hunters Icon
Gaming | Community
A server to enjoy the game "Metroid Prime: Hunters" for the Nintendo DS system again via online gameplay on native hardware or PC/mobile. This server doubles as both a general-chat and metroid hub and is well structured with plenty of social features and automation. Contains everything you need to get back into playing this game online, for both new and old members alike.
✨ NintenCozy ✨ Icon
Community | Gaming
A chill and welcoming place for players of Nintendo titles and cozy gaming genres. Still in its early year, but we hope this can be one of your happy and safe corner.
RetroMasochism Icon
Gaming | Streaming
RetroMasochism: Join me as I try to beat as many games in the NES/Famicom, SNES/Super Famicom, Genesis/MD/32X/CD, SMS, and N64 libraries!! Viewer's Guide: • List: • Progress:
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩 ☢️21+ Icon
Community | Social
Welcome to 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩 ☢️18+ !🎉 Come join us for our movie nights, gaming sessions, and drinking nights together! If you're looking for an active, laid-back community then you've found yourself at the right place. Whether you’re here to talk about about what's going on in the world or to just unwind with a drink and great company, we're looking forward to seeing you here soon.
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩 ☢️21+ Discord Server Banner
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩 ☢️21+ Icon
Community | Social
Welcome to 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩 ☢️18+ !🎉 Come join us for our movie nights, gaming sessions, and drinking nights together! If you're looking for an active, laid-back community then you've found yourself at the right place. Whether you’re here to talk about about what's going on in the world or to just unwind with a drink and great company, we're looking forward to seeing you here soon.
Retro Games @ GZNetwork™ Icon
Gaming | Community
Everything about retro and modern gaming.
Shiny Zoobat Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A hangout server for viewers of streamer and YouTuber Shiny Zoobat.
Emulation Development Icon
Programming | Gaming
A community centered around programming emulation software mostly centered around video gaming systems. Subreddit:
Brainy Cat Cafe Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
A server themed around cult classic RPG The World Ends With You. Despite the theme it’s a place for a wide variety of games like Smash Bros, Pokemon, or Animal Crossing.
Minecrafters (21+ only) Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
a place for older (21 and up) Minecrafters of ALL experiences (amateur, intermediate, and professional) on all platforms to come together and talk about Mining, life, make friends, share ideas and just hang out before/during/after streams ? while you are in the Discord, why not request to join our Minecraft world as well? ?
Superior Skylines Icon
LGBT | Gaming
An Animal Crossing community server that's LGBTQ+ friendly! Perfect place to find people to play with, trade, make friends and discuss the game!
AC New Horizons Icon
Animal Crossing New Horizons Discord server the place to add, make friends, show off your things, find things, sell turnips, bugs, and fish, plus more!
LetsPlayNintendoITA Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Il server di LetsPlayNintendoITA
Smash Tower Icon
Gaming | Community
A community for all types of people from across the world who are looking to improve at Smash. Whether you want ranked, casual, or anything in between - we've got it all.
carrotscraps Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
A server for fans of my Twitch and YouTube channels but open for any Marvel, Bethesda and Nintendo fans! If you're playing the Marvel Avengers video game this is the server for you.
Julyus Place Icon
Entertainment | Community
Servidor dedicado para la comunidad amante de los videojuegos retro, aqui encontrarás dinamicas y conversaciones sobre videojuegos de consolas como PlayStation 1, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, etc. Es un area pacifica de interaccion donde podremos participar en directos creados en youtube mientras jugamos los mejores titulos, contamos con un sistema de niveles para incorporar dinamicas con giveaways y otras cosas muy cool pero lo mas importante es que conocerás personas que comparten la misma pasion que tu y yo, los videojuegos.
Glace & Esper's Icon
Gaming | Anime
Welcome to Glace & Esper's! We are a set of 2 close friends who have just opened up our brand new community-led pokemon server! The server was released to the public on 09 November 2020 and hope to see you sometime soon!
Crypto Hub Icon
Crypto | Financial | Investing
🌎 Welcome to Crypto Hub. Exchange Your PayPal, Crypto, Zelle, Cashapp, and Giftcards!
Crypto Hub Discord Server Banner
Crypto Hub Icon
Crypto | Financial | Investing
🌎 Welcome to Crypto Hub. Exchange Your PayPal, Crypto, Zelle, Cashapp, and Giftcards!
Sweeneez Smash Surprise Icon
Gaming | Social
This is the official Sweeneez discord server! This is a server for smash, here you can matchmake with other players, talk, and post memes!
Nony's Crypt Icon
Gaming | Anime
Nintendo Switch Focused Game Discord for people who enjoy Nintendo games and Anime as well
Mario Party Netplay ? Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Netplay Super Mario Party, the retro Mario Party games 1-9, and all N64, GameCube, Wii and 3DS games, online! Play any Nintendo Switch game and all of the Nintendo 64 and GC classics from Mario Party and Mario Kart, to Smash Bros and more, online with an open and active community!
Miitopia Icon
A server,where all sorts of jobs can gather! Pick up some job roles,would ya?Meet other Miitopia fans and meet all sorts of fans and jobs! Be yourself!Don't be mii!
Kaiachu Icon
Ik speel het liefste de hele dag op de Nintendo Switch of mijn iPad! Pokemon // Super Mario // Minecraft // Brawl Stars // Roblox
Reidie's Pals Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Twitch Affiliate and Tobii Gaming Partner. Variety Streamer, retro and modern. Part-time games developer, full-time gamer. We are a friendly, safe, and welcoming bunch!
Animal Crossing: New Horizon NL Icon
Deze server is bedoeld voor echte die hard Animal Crossing fans. Lekker kletsen of samen spelen. Wie weet kan je wat meubels ruilen!
Deutscher Pokémon Discord Icon
Gaming | Community
Hallo wir sind ein deutschsprachiger Pokémon Discord namens Pokémon World und bauen auf eine nette kleine Community voller Pokémon Fans auf. Du kannst bei uns Tauschen oder mit anderen Trainieren. Wir legen allgemein alle Pokémon Generation im Vordergrund, die Lust sich darüber zu unterhalten, reden oder diskutieren über die ältesten Pokémon Teilen wird sicher ein Spaß! Diskutiere mit uns über Legenden Arceus das was im Januar 2022 erscheint. Viel Spaß!
Zelda Breath of the Wild France Icon
Gaming | Community
Bienvenue à toi ! Ce serveur est un nouveau serveur sur le jeu Zelda Breath of the Wild et bientôt le 2! Il y a peu de serveurs actif sur le jeu donc j'ai décidé de créer le miens. Viens faire de nouvelles connaissances! Le serveur a une très bonne ambiance, de plus en plus de joueurs rejoignent et décident de rester ! Pourquoi pas toi! Il ne faut surtout pas avoir peur de prendre la parole, d'avoir peur de ne pas avoir une réponse, car ça ne sera pas le cas! Le serveur prône le multiculturalisme, l'ouverture d'esprit et la bienveillance, tu peux être sûr de rejoindre un serveur avec un environnement, atmosphère sain. Le serveur applique une TOLÉRANCE ZÉRO sur les injures, les diffamations, l’incitation à la haine, divulgation d’informations personnelles et l’harcèlement discriminatoire. Aucun propos raciste, sexiste, homophobe, blasphème, humiliation, provocation, menace sera TOLÉRÉ. Rejoins-nous et vis ta propre aventure !
Advance Wars Multilingual Icon
Gaming | Language
Are you not a native English speaker and can't find people who are fans of Advance Wars in your native language? This Advance Wars Fan Community is for you!
Golden Sun Realm Reborn Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Golden Sun Realm Reborn is a discord created by a large portion of the Golden Sun Realm community long after the forums disappeared many years ago. GSR Reborn was born from the community of GSR however has no affiliation with GSR at present. GSR Reborn strives to be an inclusive general chatting server for all members of the Golden Sun community where they can feel safe while discussing all manner of topics with a friendly userbase that has been a part of the Golden Sun community since its inception. Please come and say hi!
/r/PanelDePon Icon
Gaming | Community
The largest panel de pon fan community and the official discord server for /r/paneldepon. We do netplay, talk about panel de pon and it's rebrands (tetris attack, pokemon puzzle league), and enjoy all things nintendo.
deadspace Icon
Community | Memes | Social
🍒 Cyberpunk meme server. Let your inner demons out! Active chats, fun bots, and tons of emotes!
deadspace Discord Server Banner
deadspace Icon
Community | Memes | Social
🍒 Cyberpunk meme server. Let your inner demons out! Active chats, fun bots, and tons of emotes!
Sanoria Icon
Anime | Manga
Want to have fun? Want fair moderators who listen to your opinions? Want an active owner who contributes to the server? Want anime and manga content? Want any game content? Want Pokémon? All this has answered your question with a click, join right now to experience a journey like non before
NintendoBrew Icon
Technology | Gaming
NintendoBrew, A discord server for Modding/homebrewing Nintendo consoles to do whatever! We feature multiple help channels and a fun active society willing to help and befriend you!
PKMN Underground Icon
Gaming | Streaming
PKMN Underground is a competitive battling group ⚔️. We fight for Title Belts & Money Pots 💰. Future tournaments are decided by Ruleset Voting 🗳️. Free to play and pay to enter tournaments, round the clock scrimmages, and battle livestreams. Come join the rumble!
SwitchHub Community Icon
Gaming | Technology
Welcome to SwitchHub Community – your one-stop destination for everything related to Nintendo Switch modding, free shops, and chip installations! Whether you're a seasoned modder or just dipping your toes into the world of Switch customization, this is the place to be.
Snowblind's Community Icon
Gaming | Art
❄️ Welcome to Snowblind's Community server! Dive into the world of retro gaming as we breathe new life into select Nintendo GameCube™ titles for use with RetroArch, EmuDeck, or Dolphin emulation.
N64Ever Icon
Long running Nintendo 64 server, discussing collecting, games, music, pickups, and much more! Come join in on the fun!
Diego's Sleepover Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
This is a community gaming Discord server for Twitch streamer DiegoFellAsleep. Open to anyone who is a fan of Minecraft, Nintendo, Square Enix, and any other games.
Super Mario Universe Japan Icon
[This server is primarily aimed at Japanese people.] We aim to be one of the largest Mario Discord servers in Japan. The name of this server is "Super Mario Universe Japan." This server has a variety of channels, including "Mario Kart," "Mario Party," and "Super Nintendo World." In addition, this server has level, rank, and currency functions. You can collect coins and exchange them for items in the shop, and there are also ranks divided into levels. We also plan to hold occasional giveaways such as Discord Nitro! 【このサーバーは、基本日本人を対象にしています。】 日本最大級の「マリオ」Discordサーバーを目指しています。 このサーバーの名称は『スーパーマリオ ユニバース・ジャパン』。 このサーバーには「マリオカート」、「マリオパーティ」、「スーパー・ニンテンドー・ワールド」など様々なチャンネルがあります。 さらに、このサーバーではレベルやランク、通貨機能があります。 コインを集めてショップでアイテムと交換したり、レベルに分けられたランクもあります。 そして不定期に、Discord Nitroなどプレゼント企画の実施も予定しています!
Nintenfriends Icon
Gaming | Community
Nintenfriends is the server you have been looking for. It is an adult-run community of Nintendo fans and video game fans in general. Join and talk about anything gaming related or just anything in general. Make some new friends. Play games together. The server is friendly but not against joking around. Non-toxic.
TEAM 64 Icon
Community | YouTube
team 64 is anti bad youtubers scammers and make YouTube good again mario pfp maker copy and paste the link
VirtualBoy City Icon
If you think the VirtualBoy is a great console despite the negative hype, this server is for you :) We provide support and links to where you can get emulators or ROMs
Fireborn Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Humans and Yoshis have lived together for thousands of years. But it wasn't always peaceful back then, and Logan Gallagher learns the bloody, burning truth the hard way. Fireborn is an (upcoming) cinematic universe where two Yoshis and a human fight one assassin using ancient fire magic that has been long forgotten for thousands of years. Logan Gallagher, a 16-year-old Yoshi, the adoptive brother of human 18-year-old Jaylyn Sanders, join up with Goshi Brooks, to fight against Travis Hudson, a hired assassin working for an unknown secret society. After a battle to the death, Logan is invited by the Forces of the Flames to help defend the Magis from the grave threat that has been around since the 9th century.
Prodigy Trading Team Icon
Investing | Financial | Crypto
#1 Community: Take your stock trading game to the next level with our top-rated stock Discord chatroom. Expert analysis, stock and option alerts, and strategies for small and large caps day and swing trading. Day trades and swing trades. Small to large caps. Penny stocks experts
Prodigy Trading Team Discord Server Banner
Prodigy Trading Team Icon
Investing | Financial | Crypto
#1 Community: Take your stock trading game to the next level with our top-rated stock Discord chatroom. Expert analysis, stock and option alerts, and strategies for small and large caps day and swing trading. Day trades and swing trades. Small to large caps. Penny stocks experts
Destiny Black Icon
Xbox | PC
Um servidor feito para jogadores de Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo e até PC se reunirem e joguem jogos juntos com crossplay, te convido pra meu server lá tem alguns canais interessantes, seja bem vindos 💚💙❤️
Zelda Chat Icon
Gaming | Community
We're a chill community of Zelda fans. Whether you have a good theory, fanart, fanfiction, video about the any of the games or the series in general feel free to come and hang out with us.
Nintendo Hangout Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Nintendo Hangout! We are a community of Smashers, Kirby enthusiasts and Pokemon fans and our server is dedicated to all things Nintendo! Whether you love Mario or Legend of Zelda, want to Smash or ink turf in Splatoon with fellow fans or play some Pokecord, you will find something to do in Nintendo Hangout! - Talk about your favourite games - Find fellow enthusiasts to play games with - Play in-server games with Pokecord - Assign your main in smash bros with the assign-your-main channel - Help improve the server and give suggestions to make this the best possible experience
Gamer Central Icon
Gaming | Memes
Chill open and fun community for sharing games and memes. Event evening every frday and lots of channels and bots. Open for partnership.
DSUDLCPcommunity discord Icon
Gaming | Community
This is the community Discord for the 'Daily Smash Ultimate DLC prediction' satirical Facebook page: So if you like this page chances are you like smash, and if you're like me you're probably always looking for people to play with, right? So in that case you should join the Daily Smash prediction Discord server! Talk about and suggest the daily predictions, add new people to play against (as well as some occasional offical server arenas), get excited with fellow fans with each new annoucement and just come hang out and chat. Competitive, Casual or just a shitposter, all are welcome, so consider joining us!
SwitchRL Icon
Gaming | eSports
Play RL on Switch? Join Today! This is the absolutely best place to be for: - Switch Trading - Giveaways - Community
Bulgarian Gaming Community
Squidkids and octolings Icon
Gaming | Social
We play a lot of splatoon 2, if you want to play with experienced players, you can join, even if you are new to splatoon 2 you can play with people on your level, or maybe people above your level that will help you with maybe salmon run.
Nintendo Universe Icon
eSports | Gaming
A gaming server focused on Nintendo Switch for Smash, Brawlhalla, Paladins, and DBZ. Make a match or a friend and just hang out with others!
Palutena's Temple Icon
Gaming | Community
A general hangout place for fans of Nintendo and other third-party franchises like Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog and Touhou! We have active Smash Bros. Ultimate events and are a friendly anime and gaming community!
Epic Elite Agency: Endgame Icon
Gaming | Memes
EEA (Epic Elite Agency) is a gaming, art and meme based server (original I know) the games the server focuses on is mostly sonic, smash bros and mostly Nintendo although any discussion is welcomed. Join if ye want, or don’t
Misadventures Universe Icon
Community | Role-Playing
Misadventures is a RP in which you are free to be whoever you want to be! No lore, and no strict rules. just join and play! just keep it rated E10+/Childfriendly! We need new active people to get new life in this server! Please help us out!