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Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
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Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Exchange Rates Icon
Financial | Bot
Exchange Rate Bot A simple bot to retrieve exchange rates between currencies with a single slash command. Usage: Use /exchange command to begin. -- - Sub-commands: from: Specify the currency code you want to convert from. to: Specify the currency code you want to convert to. amount: Specify the amount in the 'from' currency to convert. Note: Use three-letter currency codes only. Currency codes represent specific currencies in international finance. -- - Examples: https://i.imgur.com/3lLtNL2.png https://i.imgur.com/3ukyTCB.png Use `USD` for United States Dollar. Use `SAR` for Saudi Arabia Riyal. Use `GBP` for Great British Pound. Use `EUR` for Euro. All country currency codes are supported. the bot will reply to the command with an embed that calculates everything for you !!!! That's all! Enjoy using the bot. 😊