Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Zarco Icon
Programming | Support
Zarco is your ultimate Discord companion, designed to enhance and streamline your server experience. As a multipurpose, all-in-one Discord app, Zarco provides everything your community needs to function smoothly and efficiently. Whether you're managing a small group of friends or a large, thriving server, Zarco has the perfect set of features to make your job easier. With powerful moderation tools, Zarco helps maintain a safe and friendly environment by handling bans, mutes, warnings, and automated moderation filters. Personalized welcome messages ensure new members feel at home, while autoroles automatically assign roles upon joining. The Private Voice Channels (PVC) feature lets members create temporary voice rooms with custom settings. Ticketing provides an organized way to handle inquiries and support requests. Utility tools such as message logging, customizable commands, and advanced permissions management further enhance your server's functionality. Plus, exciting new features
!SecurityHero Icon
** 🔹 !SecurityHero Il tuo assistente per la moderazione e la community! 🔨 Moderazione: Timeout, warn, ban, modmail e filtri anti-spam/N-word. 🎟 Ticket & Supporto: Creazione ticket con log per assistenza. 📢 Annunci & Suggerimenti: Sistema di suggerimenti e annunci evidenziati. 🎮 Fun Extra: Counting 🔢, Giveaway 🎁, Menu server 📜 e benvenuto con ruoli 👋.**
P for Programming YT Icon
Bot | YouTuber
A bot for everything. Do >help to get started. It does everything except logging and music command, may do logging in future.
Ateyourtable Jr Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Ateyourtable Jr is an easy-to-use discord moderation bot. Some features are user joining logs, user leaving logs, channel update logs, and role update logs. All features of Ateyourtable Jr are free to use and not locked behind a paywall so you can get the most of it. Website - https://ateyourtablejr.herokuapp.com/ Invite Bot - https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=689202945945894949&permissions=8&scope=bot Support Server - https://discord.gg/8Tkse3EaKB Images Of Features - https://i.imgur.com/QmCDUE2.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/NYzWw99.jpg
kankos bot Icon
Bot | Support
Apresento o meu bot de moderação para Discord, projetado para tornar a administração do seu servidor mais eficiente e prática. Confira os comandos disponíveis: /ban: Banir membros indesejados. /kick: Expulsar usuários do servidor. /mute: Silenciar membros temporariamente. /unmute: Restaurar a fala dos usuários. /userinfo: Ver informações detalhadas de qualquer membro. /avatar: Exibir o avatar de um usuário. Com esses comandos, a moderação no seu servidor será mais fácil e organizada!
Dunkelmann Icon
Bot | Support
A bot jelenleg a tokyohost.eu oldalon futattva. Fenntartása költséges,szánj rá egy kis időt hogy támogathasd a bot működését! Web: https://bot.dunkelmann.hu/ Mi is a GLINK? A GLINK azaz GLOBÁLIS LINK globálisan képes a bot letiltani egy link adott használatát. A bot bírja ugyanakkor a folytonos spammelést,mivel a szerver ahol üzemeltetjük, (tokyohost) erre van kiskálázva. A bot tartalmaz egy Globális tíltólistát,mely nyílvánosan elérhető. Miket tíltunk le? Olyan linkeket tiltunk le,amelyek ütköznek a Discord szabályaiba,és védik a közösséget. -Scam linkek -Átverések -Jumpscare videók,weboldalak -Token lopó linkek -Folytonos átirányító weboldalak -Olyan discord szerverek amelyek ütköznek a Discord szerverkészítési szabályzatába Továbbiakban olyan linkeket amiket itt be lehet küldeni. A lista bővítésének jogát fenntartjuk,és bármikor változtathatunk az átengedési szabályokon. A discord bot használatával beleegyezel a fejlesztő által megszabott feltételekkel.
Merx Icon
Support | Community
Merx is an exceptional moderation and management tool designed specifically for community servers. With just a simple command or message prompt, Merx efficiently handles all aspects of community management, making it an invaluable asset for keeping your server organized and running smoothly.
SD Bot Icon
Bot | Entertainment
SD Bot is an exceptionally versatile Discord bot designed to provide top-tier moderation and fun features, making it a must-have for any server. With its powerful moderation capabilities, SD Bot helps server admins maintain a healthy community by managing member behavior, handling infractions, and enforcing rules smoothly and efficiently. Beyond moderation, SD Bot offers a wide array of fun and engaging activities, ensuring that your community is not only safe but also entertained. Whether you're looking to create interactive experiences, boost server engagement, or simply have fun, SD Bot delivers an all-in-one solution tailored for diverse server needs. Its user-friendly interface and seamless performance make it an ideal tool for both small and large communities. The bot also includes customizable options, allowing you to tailor its features to match your server's unique culture. SD Bot combines functionality, entertainment, and reliability in one package, making it the perfect comp
GilBot Icon
Bot | Community
Yet another multipurpose bot for your discord community server but with a twist of Moderation.
Community Ban List Icon
Bot | Just Chatting
DCBL Bot (Discord Community Ban List) The DCBL Bot is a powerful and efficient tool for managing community bans and ensuring the safety and integrity of your Discord server. It helps administrators track banned users, check ban histories, and enforce community standards Join the community today and keep your servers safe! Join the community -> https://discord.gg/hKnaT33rKp
Vertex Icon
Information On Vertex: Vertex is a Discord bot that protects your server from any raids. Command/Not All: /ban /kick /unban /mute /unmute Why you should invite my bot?: You should add my bot because it will help protect your server, you should also invite it because you also have commands that can help you if you need to ban someone from your server.
Aroura Icon
Music | Bot
Discord Music Bot And Moderation all in 1 Supporting Spotify,SoundCloud Verification System Tickets Much more