ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Los Blancos Icon
Serveur Discord du serveur FiveM Los Blancos !
NyuNyuRp Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Bonjour et bienvenue, votre vie commence sur NyuNyuRp, économie difficile, véhicules add-on, métiers patrons wl, staff actif, mapping exclusifs, notre serveur as tout pour plaire donc ne faite pas vos timides et rejoignez-nous!!!
Role-Playing | Programming
Bem-vindo a BigLife City, uma metrópole emocionante no mundo do FiveM. Nesta cidade costeira, você encontrará uma mistura vibrante de culturas, arquitetura deslumbrante e uma economia dinâmica. Explore as ruas movimentadas, participe de corridas de rua ou mergulhe no submundo da cidade. Faça amizades e desfrute de uma experiência única no FiveM. Prepare-se para uma jornada cheia de emoção, desafios e diversão!
The Game Of Life RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Attention all Xbox Next Generation players! Are you a console-based GTA V role play enthusiast looking for the ultimate realistic experience? Join "The Game Of Life RP"! Our server is exclusively for Next Generation Xbox players and we're dedicated to providing the most authentic and immersive role play community possible. We require a certain level of maturity from our members as we simulate real-world scenarios that require a level of maturity fitting for the realism of our server. With a fully functional economy and an ultra-realistic CAD system, you'll feel like you're living in Los Santos yourself. We're currently seeking dedicated members aged 16 and up who are ready to help us achieve our goal of creating the most authentic Next Generation Xbox GTA V role play community around. Please note that a working microphone is required for all members. If you're ready to take your role play experience to the next level, join us now on Discord!
CrimeCraft Roleplay Icon
🚀 Willkommen auf CrimeCraft, der ultimativen Anlaufstelle für alle GTA V Roleplay Enthusiasten! 🎮 Hier findest du exklusive Updates, spannende Events und eine lebhafte Community, die sich voll und ganz dem RP-Erlebnis verschrieben hat. Tritt jetzt bei, um stets auf dem neuesten Stand zu sein und gemeinsam mit Gleichgesinnten das Los Santos deiner Träume zu gestalten! 💥🌆
We Are A Roleplay Server for Grand Theft Auto 5 On The Play Station 3. We Host These Servers With GTA:OG
Port Side RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Join the fun on Port Side RP! We are an engaged, fivem community with outstanding members and assets. We would love to have new members and staff.
Downtown Vice Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Downtown Vice Roleplay Hi there, Welcome to Downtown Vice Roleplay. We are a multi-platform roleplaying community catering for everyone’s needs. We ensure a high quality but fun roleplaying experience, bringing Five M gameplay to all console users. Currently our server is going through some major changes and expansion so please bare with us during this time. Here are the things we offer: Platforms: ➤ Los Santos Police Department 🔵 ➤ Los Santos County Sheriffs Office 🔵 ➤ Los Santos State Trooper 🔵 ➤ San Andreas Highway Patrol 🔵 ➤ Los Santos Fire Department 🔴 ➤ San Andreas Fire Department 🔴 ➤ Los Santos Medical Centre 🟢 ➤ San Andreas Medical Centre 🟢 ➤ Civilian Operations 🟠 Platforms: ➤ PlayStation ( New Generation ) 📘 ➤ PlayStation ( Old Generation ) 📘 ➤ Xbox ( New Generation ) 📗 ➤ Xbox ( Old Generation ) 📗 ➤ Five M 📙 Roleplay Sessions: ➤ Session 1 ( 9pm GMT / 4pm EST ) ⏰ ➤ Session 2 ( 4am GMT / 9pm EST )⏰ Here at Downtown Vice Roleplay, we host interviews round the clock 24 hours
Next Gen RP PS5 Icon
Gaming | Playstation
Next Gen Roleplay is the best upcoming console Roleplay server we’re currently looking for staff and new players! New players receive bonus cash! Economy System, Crime System, Police & CAD System, Job System, Business & Property System, Car Dealership, and more! Plenty of new things coming! UFC EVENTS! Fight other citizens in pay per views and become the champ! We have a completely new reward system for players! Unlock badges and unlock abilities to do special scenes & earn extra cash!
We The People Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
🌟 We The People Roleplay is your ultimate destination for immersive, exciting, and dynamic roleplay experiences. Whether you’re a law-abiding citizen, a daring criminal, or part of our fire or police departments, we have a place for you! 👥 **Civilian Life & Jobs** • Engage in a variety of civilian jobs and activities! • Be a successful entrepreneur, a hardworking mechanic, a stylish hairdresser, tow truck driver, or anything your heart desires. • Enjoy a rich, diverse, and realistic economy. 🔫 **Criminal Enterprises & Gangs** • Ready to live on the edge? Join or create gangs, engage in heists, drug trades, and more. • Experience high-stakes criminal activities with intricate planning and thrilling execution. • Rise to power in the underworld and become the most feared name in the city. 🚓 Whitelisted Jobs • BCSO • SAFR • LSPD • SASP • SADOT This server is ran by and for the people. 🔗 Join Us Now! 👉 https://discord.gg/wethepeoplerp Become a part of something extraordinary.
Wee Roleplay Icon
Community | Gaming
Sziasztok. A Weecity rád vár. Gyere, csatlakozz egy fantasztikus közösséghez. Egyedi elgondolással várunk titeket.
🔵Ua. Saint I GTA5RP.   RAGEMP Icon
Role-Playing | Community
🔵Ua. Saint I GTA5RP. RAGEMP це офіційний Discord сервер проєкту Saint RP, де гравці можуть отримати необхідну їм інформацію, наприклад, новини, правила, виправлення й не тільки. Тут ви також можете поспілкуватися та взяти участь у житті спільноти. Приєднуйтеся до нашого Discord вже зараз і станьте частиною проєкту Saint RP!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
San Andreas Roleplay Icon
PC | Virtual Reality
Servidor de Heavy Roleplay, focado em desenvolvimento de personagens e histórias… roleplay totalmente sério é um cenário interpretativo completo.
Peach State RP Icon
Xbox | Gaming
Are you looking to Start or Improve your GTA Five RP experience? If so, join us, Peach State RP, today for New Gen Only. Brand new, welcoming Role Play server looking for more professional, respectable, exciting members to join. However, we do require that you must be 16+.
BigCityLifeRP.eu Icon
Gaming | Furry
Hey, Wir sind BigCityLifeRP, dein NEUER Deutscher FiveM GTA Roleplay Server! Wir bieten dir abwechslungsreiches Roleplay, viele Heists, Jobs eine freundliche Community und noch vieles mehr basierend auf einem amerikanischen setting!
Gaming | Role-Playing
Moin, Ihr sucht einen deutschen GTA5 RP Server für WIRKLICH ALLE Plattformen? Dann habt ihr Glück,denn wir sind Daylight GTA5 RP. Ein ganz frischer Server auf diesem Gebiet und suchen aktuell Leute die Bock hätten an einem ernsten,aber trotzdem einsteigerfreundlichen RP teilzunehmen.Doch was sind unsere Vorteile? Wir bieten aktuell 2 Jobs an: Mediziner und Polizei, sowie die Möglichkeit eine EIGENE Firma zu gründen. Außerdem sind wir offen für weitere Jobideen wenn der Server wächst. Wir haben außerdem ein funktionierendes Geldsystem, um für die harte Arbeit am Ende des Tages entlohnt zu werden :). Außerdem gibt es die Möglichkeit, Verbrechen zu begehen, dazu gehören: ATM Raub, Ladenraub, Juwelierraub und Bankraub. Dann haben wir schon für Autos, Motorräder und Waffen. Sowie die Möglichkeit Spieler zu melden, und Support Tickets zu öffnen, oder evtl in einen Sprachchat. Und alles was ihr braucht ist Discord, und ein funktionierendes Mikrofon/Headset. Bald werden auch Mafien kommen.
Gaming | Community
Общение на тему игры GTA 5 RP. GTA5RP. RAGEMP. RAGE MP. GTA 5 RolePlay, GTA V RP. GTA V RolePlay. RAGE Multiplayer.
Original V Rôleplay Icon
Original V à un seul but : Réunir des rôlistes autour d'une aventure immersive. Staff à l'écoute, développeurs motivés et une administration sérieuse mais surtout à l'écoute.
V-Town  | German Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Informationen zum Server: • 64 Slots • Kein ESX-Server • IC-Einreise / Illegale Einreise • Aktives Serverteam • Verschiedene MLOs • Gangs, Jobs, Überfälle, eine nette Community • und vieles mehr! Das solltest du mitbringen: • Lust auf RP & viel Humor • Ein funktionierendes Mikrofon • Discord, FiveM, GTAV Das bekommst du: • 15k Startgeld • Midcore Roleplay • Zuvorkommendes Team, dass die Wünsche der Community ernst nimmst Wir suchen: Teammitglieder Pdler Medics Fraktionen Aktive Bürger Falls wir deine Interesse geweckt haben, komm doch auf unseren Discord! Links: V-Town Discord https://discord.gg/Au7zgaGBmQ V-Town Website http://v-town.de/
Gaming | Role-Playing
We are new QBCore community Controller Friendly Realistic Roleplay We are looking to fill all Departments We have IRL trainers / staff members Active media team Come join our family Follow us on tiktok Youtube twitch Facebook Instagram and Twitter
MainFrame RP Icon
Gaming | Community
The greatest roleplay server! Our community is enriched with many activities for all walk of life! We are all about roleplay and a progression system for our players. We have an immense catalog of import vehicles that are fully optimized so you won’t have to worry about bad frame rates! Engine swaps, mechanic job, towing, drift vehicles and more! We have a progressive robbery system for criminals, where you'll slowly take on bigger and bigger heists and along with dozens of criminals side jobs and drugs! We have an active Police, EMS, DoJ force to take your roleplay to higher levels! We have TONS of activities for you to do! 300+ custom icons and clothes you won’t find anywhere else! With our active development team, this is only the beginning. Be a part of something great, you're in the mainframe baby!
TrapKingz LA Icon
Growth | Social
TrapKingz LA, is a Semi-Serious Fivem Server. TrapKingz LA is much like Grizzley World, D10, and a lot of other serious Fivem Servers. In TrapKingz LA you can sell drugs and live a life of crime and be a drug lord, or go down a path of civilian lifestyle and have a regular crime free job.
?️Skylife RP | FiveM Server ?️ Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
DISCORD LINK : https://discord.gg/Hr5sUFetxD ??/?? | Und Herzlich Willkommen bei Skylife RP, deinem zukünftigen Roleplay Server. Wir sind Offen für neue Besucher, Spieler. Wir sind sehr drauf konzentriert, unseren Spieler die beste Spiel Möglichkeit erleben zu lassen. Da wir noch in der Aufbau Phase sind, suchen wir aktuell noch Spieler, sowie Team Mitglieder. Unter Bewerbungen oder über den Projektleiter (Ryzeking) können sie eine ausführliche Bewerbung geben. Wir sind ein Server, mit wenigen Regeln, ausreichenden Scripts sowie Mlos. Wir haben ein umfassendes Team im Thema Projektleitung. Also komm endlich auf Skylife RP, und lass dich unter den Blauen Himmel sehen. Info: Ab 50 Neue Discord Bewohner, gibt es ein Gratis Auto (Markenauto). Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ryzeking, dein Projektleiter vom Skylife RP
Jinx RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
11 online14 total Jinx RP ROLEPLAY NEW FIVEM GTA5RP WHITELISTED Jinx RP Welcome To JinxRP We Are Public FiveM RolePlay Server With An Active Community As Well As Staff. We Are Looking For Members, Those Including Devs, Twitch Streamers, Civilians, LEO's & More! What Does JinxRP Offer? 》Active & Respectful Community 》Custom LEO & Civilian Vehicles + Scripts 》& A Fun Time! What Departments Does Jinx RP Offer? 》Los Santos Police Department 》San Andreas State Troopers 》San Andreas Department Of Communications 》San Andreas Fire & Rescue 》Civilian Operations 》& More To Come! Special Note: We Are Currently Looking For People To Fill Up Our High Commands Spots, If Your Interested, Come On Over & DM One of the Owners To Find Out More About Our Open Positions! Join JinxRP Today
World of DIY Icon
Community | Hobbies | Technology
Discover a world of DIY in our dynamic Discord server! Connect with enthusiasts, showcase your creations, learn from experts, and participate in exclusive events. From woodworking to culinary arts, explore your passions in our inclusive community. Join us for endless inspiration and fun!
World of DIY Discord Server Banner
World of DIY Icon
Community | Hobbies | Technology
Discover a world of DIY in our dynamic Discord server! Connect with enthusiasts, showcase your creations, learn from experts, and participate in exclusive events. From woodworking to culinary arts, explore your passions in our inclusive community. Join us for endless inspiration and fun!
Turku Finland RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Moi Jos olet kiinostunut pelaamaan Turku Finland roleplay:tä liiity ihmeessä discord palvelimelle ja lue säänöt jne..
Northland Roleplay [FiveM] Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
What is Northland Roleplay? Northland Roleplay is a community that focuses on providing people with a good time, and a place to hang out and chill. This server was founded by four friends who have the intention to provide people with the best experience possible. We are currently a public server, but plan to go whitelisted in the future, and would like to provide the highest quality roleplay possible while maintaining a fun and flexible environment. About Northland Northland Roleplay is a FiveM Economy Server that strives to provide people with an enjoyable experience, and somewhere they can come to relax and have a good time. We are looking for chill people that would like to hang out, and have a good experience in a community they can call home. Right now we are open to beta testers, and when we release we will be public for the first few months. After the first few months of us being open, we aim to go whitelisted.
Infinity Roleplay | FiveM Icon
Community | Gaming
A new and upcoming FiveM server guaranteed to bring immersive roleplay. We are currently looking to hire all jobs! Join today!
Sunset County Role-play Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Welcome to our GTA5 Xbox Discord Role-play server! We prioritize ensuring an enjoyable and fair role-play experience for all members. Our dedicated moderators maintain a balanced and realistic atmosphere, while our rules promote fairness and equality. We encourage diverse character creation and storytelling, fostering creativity and originality. Collaboration and teamwork are key. Engage in exciting scenarios like high-speed pursuits and heists, with resources like character development discussions and dedicated voice channels. We value member feedback and continuously improve the server. Join us for thrilling adventures, memorable characters, and a vibrant community. Experience immersive role-play in a fair and enjoyable environment.
GTA Online Icon
Community | Gaming
═══════════════════════════════════════ ║Großer Server mit über 2000 Spielern ║ Offen für neue Ideen ║ Kompetenter und schneller Support ║ Discord mit Perfektionisten im Team ║ Support Team immer erreichbar nett und freundlich ╠══════════════════════════════════════ ║ Schnelle Hilfe bei Problemen ║ Lustige Erlebnisse mit anderen Spielern ║ Worauf wartest du? Komm auf unseren Discord Server! ═══════════════════════════════════════
Northern City rp {NCRP} Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Hi and welcome to our ps4 roleplay community (NCRP) we are a small community and hope to grow to being big someday we offer a range of departments and roles such as - Law enforcement •LSPD 👮‍♂️ •BCSO🚨 •SAHP🚔 we also have other roles such as •Civilian operations 🧍 •Fire department 🚒 •EMS 🚑 we are in need of staff at this moment so dm me when you join the server if you are interested. hope to see you soon roleplaying in Northern city rp (NCRP).
TJRolePlay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
TJRolePlay ist ein junger GTA5 FiveM Hardcore RP Server mit vielen features und einem kleinen, familiären Team.
Pack Gaming Roleplay [RAGE:MP] Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Pack Gaming Roleplay je novi balkanski server na RAGE:MP sceni. Unikatna i fluidna skripta pruža lagodnu igru svakom igraču, a sve zajedno prati iskusan staff. Pridruži se čoporu već danas i iskusi nezaboravno roleplay iskustvo!
Red Light District Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
🌆 Welcome to the Sultry Heart of Roleplay - Red Light District RP! 🌆 🔥 Are you ready to embark on a journey into the gritty, neon-soaked streets of a city that never sleeps? Look no further! Red Light District RP is your passport to a thriving metropolis bursting with opportunity, danger, and endless stories waiting to be told. 🔥 🌃 What Awaits You at Red Light District RP? 🌃 🚓 Law and Disorder: Become a fearless law enforcement officer, upholding justice and maintaining order in the bustling streets. Or, slip into the shadows as a cunning criminal, plotting heists and evading the long arm of the law. 🏢 Dynamic Economy: Buy and sell properties, run businesses, and engage in lucrative ventures. Create your own empire or work your way up the ladder in various professions - from a high-flying CEO to a humble street vendor. Join in on the fun now : https://discord.gg/k3DpaEwR5V
Code 3 Gaming 2.0 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Code 3 Gaming is a relatively revived FiveM Community originating from 2018 in, where anyone can join in & RP as a civilian without applying so you can get a feel for the community & patrols, before submitting an application. All we ask is if you are joining our FiveM Server as a Public Civilian (without applying), that you join our Discord down below (recommended anyways, as it contains multiple links to important documents & such) & register an account on our CAD/ MDT System to keep track of your identities, registered vehicles, etc. If you wish to participate as Fire/EMS, Dispatch or LEO, please go ahead & submit an application! I could go on & on about the community, the server, etc. but, I don’t want to make this topic too, too long, so… why not join now & see for yourself? We are currently hiring for all departments! Applications in Discord! Join Today!
AN Models Icon
Gaming | Community
AN MODELS • Veicoli di emergenza italiani • Veicoli civili • Divise italiane • Mappe realistiche Ti aspettiamo sul nostro discord! https://discord.gg/rMHTSmkrd8
Urban Infinite (GTA5 XBOX RP) Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Urban Infinite is an Xbox-based GTA5 RP server! It may sound like a mouth-full, but we are (currently) a small RP server without many strict rules, and a chill host (Hey, that's me!). We accept everybody willing to play! We offer a wide array of jobs from a taxicab to a police chief! The job groups include... -Los Santos Police -Blaine County Sheriff's Office -Criminal Endeavors -Player-made Gangs, Companies, and Hangout Groups -Schools, Colleges, and Universities -Much (MUCH) more! Create a RP character and either go all out with it, or confine it to the essential options listed! We appeal to all groups, be it serious roleplayers, or the occasional gamer! If nothing listed interests you, check out the server itself, since a lot of stuff that isn't on here may be listed on the Discord!
A T A R A X I A Icon
Community | Social | Mature
// 21+ Server // We're a level 3 SFW community of 21+ adults looking to hang out, voice chat, chill and have fun with. With plenty of events and games, come hang out and stay a while.
A T A R A X I A Discord Server Banner
A T A R A X I A Icon
Community | Social | Mature
// 21+ Server // We're a level 3 SFW community of 21+ adults looking to hang out, voice chat, chill and have fun with. With plenty of events and games, come hang out and stay a while.
Gaming | Virtual Reality
⭐ 𝔼𝕃 𝕄𝔼𝕁𝕆ℝ 𝕊𝔼ℝ𝕍𝕀𝔻𝕆ℝ 𝔻𝔼 ℝ𝕆𝕃𝔼ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 ℙ𝔸ℝ𝔸 ℙ𝕊𝟜 𝕐 ℙ𝕊𝟝 𝔼ℕ 𝔼𝕊ℙ𝔸Ñ𝕆𝕃⭐  ᴇɴ ɴᴜᴇꜱᴛʀᴏ ꜱᴇʀᴠɪᴅᴏʀ ᴘᴜᴇᴅᴇꜱ ᴄᴏɴᴏᴄᴇʀ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜᴏꜱ ᴀᴍɪɢᴏꜱ ʏ ᴘᴏᴅᴇʀ ᴄʀᴇᴀʀ ᴜɴ ʀᴏʟ ᴍᴜʏ ᴅɪᴠᴇʀᴛɪᴅᴏ ᴄᴏɴ ᴇʟʟᴏꜱ ɴᴜᴇꜱᴛʀᴏ ꜱᴇʀᴠɪᴅᴏʀ ᴏꜰʀᴇᴄᴇ: 「🛠️」 VARIEDAD DE TRABAJOS 「💲」 SISTEMA DE DINERO 「🔪」 MAFIAS Y BANDAS 「🚨」 SOPORTE ACTIVO 「📋」 NO WHITELIST 「⌚」 BUENOS HORARIOS PARA TODOS LOS PAISES 「💰 」 3000$ INICIALES 「💯」 ROL SERIO 「🚗」 OPCION DE COMPRA DE COCHES PROPIOS 「🎮 」 ACTIVIDAD PROPIA
Undivided Roleplay™️ | BETA Icon
Community | Gaming
Are you looking for a new semi-serious FiveM community? Well, look no further with **Undivided Roleplay™️** Undivided Roleplay (UDRP) is a FiveM community for content creators, ran by content creators who offer an immersive, exciting, and collaborative roleplay environment where you can create your own story and live out your wildest criminal fantasies. ---------------------------------------- **What we have to offer** > ~ ☑️ | Allow dual-clanning > ~ 🛡️ | A dedicated Staff Team > ~ 🎥 | Media Team > ~ 🛠️ | Tons of custom assets > ~ ⬆️ | Thousands of future updates > ~ 🏬 | Multiple Departments > ~ 💻 | Sonoran Assets > ~ 💸 | vMenu ---------------------------------------- **Our Temporary Departments** > • 🚔 | Blaine County Sheriff’s Office > • 👮 | San Andreas State Police (Need Dep. head) > • 👮 | LSPD (Need dep. head) > • 📞 | San Andreas Communications Department (Need dep. head) > • 🚒 | San Fire Rescue (Need Dep. head) > • 🤵 | Civilian ---------------------------------------
SLW・Développement Icon
Just Chatting | YouTube
un serveur ou vous trouverai votre bonheur en mapping que sa soit en leak ou en payant ou il y a beaucoup de mapping beaucoup moin chere que d'origine
GTA 5 RP ps4 Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Welcome to our GTA 5 PS4 roleplay server! Immerse yourself in the dynamic streets of Los Santos as you create your own story. Engage in thrilling criminal activities or pursue a law-abiding path as you navigate a detailed and immersive world. With custom scripts, active staff, and a vibrant community, our server offers endless possibilities. Choose your destiny, build relationships, and experience the adrenaline of high-stakes roleplay. Collaborate with like-minded players, participate in events, and unleash your creativity. Join us now and let the city become your playground.
Crimson Fivem RP Icon
Community | Role-Playing
Crimson Rp is a newly formed Fivem Roleplay Community. We are a new community in alpha atm looking for members to fill roles such as EMS, SANG, MRPD BCSO, and many player-owned businesses. We are also looking for Serious Rp players and Casual new Rp players who are looking for a community that listens and adapts to their Rp. We love hearing your ideas and opinions so please feel free to give ideas, opinions, and criticisms as this all help the server improve and develop. Our goal is to make this server with the best possible scripts and give the best community support to our members possible. We hope to see you soon and we hope you all have a good day.
Ninenetics Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Hey, welcome to Ninenetics Roleplay, a place where you can both talk about roleplay and find a roleplay server or someone to roleplay with! Stay here to enjoy our many events, daily roleplay related questions, and use our revolutionary bot system designed and fine-tuned to help you find your dream roleplay partner. ✨ ﹒ Responsive, helpful staff. ✨ ﹒ A place to advertise your server or find a roleplay partner. ✨ ﹒ Lots of events, from daily questions to weekly writing prompts. ✨ ﹒ Many fun features to encourage activity, such as level roles and games. ✨﹒ A custom bot that has an economy system, RPG system, and much more. ✨ ﹒ An automated anti-raid, anti-spam and in depth report system. ✨ ﹒ Lots of emotes, and much more. https://discord.gg/nineneticsrp
Radiant Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Join us! Discord: https://discord.gg/itsradiantrp Join Code: cfx.re/join/y7kd55 Interested in establishing your new character storyline in a fresh new city you can call home? Search no further because Radiant Roleplay is the place for you. Radiant Roleplay is currently a small community seeking to grow a welcoming environment for all our members. We are currently seeking EMS, PD, DOJ, Realtors, Civilians, Gangs, Criminals, and more! Ultimately Radiant strives to be a community worthy of calling home. We strive to provide the community with good character customization, constant updates, car variety, constant community events and most importantly quality RP. What we currently have: Whitelisted jobs / Custom Cars / Civilian jobs / Gang whitelist system/ Custom Scripts / Player owned businesses / Custom car handlings / Custom clothing (constantly adding more)/Custom Chains / Streamer Friendly / Balanced Rules / Slow build economy / Beginner friend
Sunshine RP Icon
Gaming | Community
Sunshine RP Fivem Server Connect: https://cfx.re/join/em47yb Welcome to our Sunshine RP, where virtual worlds come alive with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a dynamic gaming experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Our server offers a unique blend of roleplay, adrenaline-pumping action, and a tight-knit community. From intense police chases to epic heists, or just live the calm life with civilian jobs. Join us for a thrilling journey where creativity knows no bounds, and every moment is a chance to craft your own narrative. Whether you're a thrill-seeking racer, a savvy entrepreneur, or a law enforcement maverick, our server offers a diverse and engaging playground for every virtual adventurer.
Grayliferp Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Hey, Du suchst einen GTA V RP Server der gerade noch im Aufbau ist oder du willst du möchtest RP mit noch wenig Leuten spielen dann bist du bei uns noch richtig. du musst nur auf unserem Discord kommen und das Regelwerk Aktzeptieren und voher ein whitlisting gespräch absolwieren dann kannst du schon auf dem Server Spielen. Wir würden uns freuen wenn auch du ein Teil vom unserem Server bist MfG GrayLife RolePlay
GTA 5 rp ps4 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
This is a gta 5 rp server based on Detroit michigan, this is a ps4 server only we will have daily sessions once we get enough people in the server.
K5S Icon
Design | Gaming
Welcome to our top-tier FiveM clothing designer server! Join a rapidly growing community where efficiency meets creativity. Our server offers the best templates and resources to bring your fashion ideas to life. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out, you'll find everything you need to create stunning outfits and accessories. Collaborate with fellow designers, showcase your work, and be part of a supportive, innovative network. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your designs and grow with us! Join today and let's make fashion magic together.
Gta next gen UK RP server to host full private lobby RPs With Cops Civs EMS Jobs If you want to be a cop or EMS you will need to have the Firefighter outfit Paramedic‍ outfit, or The prison uniform the tazer & police baton are required for cops
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Icon
LGBT | Community
Queerspace is a small 18+ SFW community of LGBTQ+ers and their allies. Our doors are open to people who just want a place to hang out, make friends and most importantly, have a laugh. Our goal is to create a fun, safe and vibrant community. Feel free to chat about anything that interests you, tell us about your day or just share something that makes you giggle. We try and have either a gaming or movie night at least once a week. However, if our numbers increase, we'd be able to host these more frequently, so come suggest something to play/watch with us!
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Icon
LGBT | Community
Queerspace is a small 18+ SFW community of LGBTQ+ers and their allies. Our doors are open to people who just want a place to hang out, make friends and most importantly, have a laugh. Our goal is to create a fun, safe and vibrant community. Feel free to chat about anything that interests you, tell us about your day or just share something that makes you giggle. We try and have either a gaming or movie night at least once a week. However, if our numbers increase, we'd be able to host these more frequently, so come suggest something to play/watch with us!
LoudPack Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
LoudPack Roleplay!!! - The most realistic server on Console!! - This server is based off of FiveM roleplay. - Join this multi-discord server to get the best roleplay experience on console! - Clean and Dirty money ( 2 currencies ) - Custom Drug Bot! - Make and Sell Drugs - Money Launderer - Black Market - Police / EMS / Dispatch - Civilian / Lawyer / Mayor - Own any Business - Own any Home - Go to College - Legal Jobs - Illegal Jobs - Rob Stores - Gangs - Gang Turf Wars - 200+ Vehicles in Discord Store!!! - Gang Slider Vehicles - Scamming - Pimping - Car Jacking - Body Guards - Twitter / Fb Marketplace !! We host on all consoles !! Old Gen Xbox One / New Gen Xbox One PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5
Three Queens® - Roleplay NA Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to our RP server on FiveM, where you'll dive into an exciting world inspired by American culture. In this dynamic environment, you'll have the chance to explore life on the streets, where rival gangs fight for control of territories, drugs are valuable commodities, and heists are meticulously planned. Choose your role in this dangerous urban setting. You can join one of the city's most feared gangs, where loyalty is crucial and violence is the currency. Or, you can follow the path of law and order, becoming a police officer determined to bring justice and protect the community from crime. Explore the bustling streets of the city, from the poorest neighbourhoods to the elite districts, each with its own atmosphere and challenges. With a realistic economy system, you'll have the opportunity to buy and sell drugs, weapons, and other illegal goods, accumulating wealth and power as you build your criminal empire.
Horizon Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Hello we're a semi new PS5 Roleplay server looking for new members to come join and help us grow together. We strive to make your experience better. We hope you come check us out and remember here at Horizon we make Roleplay Happen.
Empire State Roleplay (GTARP) Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Empire State Roleplay 🌟 We're having a promotion for anyone who joins Empire State Roleplay between now and March 1, will not have to fill out a whitelisted application. Which mean you can jump right in and have fun within the city. Please make sure you read the rules before joining. 🌟 Looking to join a brand new city. Looking for a fresh start. Looking for a new beginning. Then Empire State Roleplay may be the play for you. Empire State Roleplay is a whitelisted city where new players can learn to role-play and veterans can come and a safe place to have fun to their hearts content. Here is this city we are all about building relationships and making new friends while building great story-lines for the characters we play. We have a wide variety of things to do in the server like fishing, skydiving, mining, or you can decide to be a criminal and rob banks, stores, houses, or even people. Join us today and be part of a family.
SantosRP Icon
Deutscher GTA5 Roleplay Server, Trete dem Server bei um bei einem unglaublichen RP Erlebnis dabei zu sein.
Capital City Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
A cidade de 2025!
Astro💎 Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Suomalainen RP palvelin joka on erittäin monipuolinen. Palvelimella voit luodittaa taikka sitten RPeettää kunnolla. Mitä tarjoamme: - Rentoa roolipelausta - Hyviä tilanteita - Laadukkaat scriptit Ja kaikkea muuta!
Caso Life Icon
Gaming | PC
🌟 Willkommen auf Caso Life – Deinem ultimativen FiveM-Roleplay-Server! 🌟 🌍 Tauche ein in eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten: Bei uns steht Realismus, Spaß und eine aktive Community im Vordergrund! Egal ob du das Gesetz durchsetzen möchtest, als Unternehmer Karriere machst oder das Leben eines rebellischen Gangsters führst – Caso Life bietet dir die Plattform für dein persönliches Abenteuer. 🚔💼💣 💎 Das macht uns einzigartig: ✅ 2048 Slots – genug Platz für eine wachsende Community und episches Roleplay! ✅ Custom Scripts & Fahrzeuge – Individuelle Features, die dein Spielerlebnis auf ein neues Level heben! 🚗 ✅ Abwechslungsreiche Jobs – Vom Mechaniker bis zum Rettungssanitäter – entdecke deine Berufung! ⚙️🩺 ✅ Spannende Gangs und Gruppierungen – Gründe deine eigene Crew oder schließe dich einer der vielen Organisationen an! 🕶️ ✅ Tägliche Events – Von spannenden Verfolgungsjagden bis zu packenden Rennen – Langeweile gibt’s bei uns nicht! 🏁 ✅ Ein ausgefeiltes Wirtschaftssystem – Inves
Picture Perfect RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
🌆 Picture Perfect RP - Where Two Cities Collide! 🌃 🚀 Beta Launch Coming This February! 🚀 Dive into a revolutionary FiveM experience where New York meets Chicago in the most ambitious crossover yet! ✈️ 🌟 What Makes Us Unique: 🗽 TWO MASSIVE CITIES - Seamlessly fly between meticulously crafted New York and Chicago maps, offering twice the roleplay opportunities and endless adventures! 🏢 150+ CUSTOM MLOs - Explore our extensively detailed interiors, from luxurious penthouses to gritty underground hideouts, each telling its own story! 🚗 PREMIUM CUSTOM VEHICLES - Roll through the streets in style with our handpicked collection of high-quality custom cars, ensuring you stand out in the crowd! 💼 DIVERSE CAREER PATHS - Choose your destiny: Join the elite Police Force 👮‍♂️ Save lives as EMS 🚑 Run your own legitimate business 💰 Build your criminal empire 🎭 🌐 IMMERSIVE FEATURES: Deep drug system with unique mechanics Custom gang territories and rivalries Player-owned businesses
🔥🌊✨ CORAL ROLEPLAY ✨🌊🔥  🌴🏝 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
🔥🌊✨ CORAL ROLEPLAY ✨🌊🔥 🌴🏝️ Bienvenue sur Coral RolePlay ! 🏝️🌴 Plonge dans une aventure RP unique, où l’océan rencontre l’adrénaline 🌊🚀 ! 🎮 Pourquoi nous rejoindre ? ✅ Expérience immersive avec un lore captivant 📜 ✅ Économie réaliste et systèmes innovants 💰💼 ✅ Staff actif & bienveillant pour une meilleure expérience 👮‍♂️🤝 ✅ Événements épiques & nouveautés régulières 🎉🚗💨 ⚡ Prêt à écrire ton histoire ? Rejoins-nous et fais partie de la légende de Coral RolePlay ! ⚡ 💎💙 Serveur dispo bientôt ! Restez connectés ! 💙💎
Utrecht Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Playstation
🎉 Welkom bij Utrecht Roleplay PS5/PS4! 🌆 Ben jij klaar om deel uit te maken van de meest epische roleplay-community op console? 🌟 Sluit je aan en beleef de actie! 🔹 Wat wij aanbieden: 💼 Actieve Staff: Ons team staat altijd voor je klaar! 🌐 Dagelijkse Server: Altijd open, altijd actief! 🎭 Hoge Kwaliteit Roleplay: Duik in realistische en boeiende verhalen. 👂 Wij luisteren naar jou: Respect en begrip voor alle spelers. 🚔 Goede Overheid: Een professionele overheid voor een dynamische ervaring. ✨ Word deel van een community waar jouw stem telt en waar plezier en respect centraal staan! 📲 Doe nu mee via onze Discord: https://discord.gg/kkp9zU7sHY 🔥 We zien je snel in Utrecht Roleplay! 🔥
Fame-RolePlay 2.0 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Ekonomia: Wymagająca, w stylu hard/medium - każde zarobione $ ma znaczenie! Realistyczna rozgrywka: Skupiamy się na jakościowym RolePlay i współpracy między graczami. Rozbudowane systemy: Zawody, biznesy, gangi, oraz unikalne funkcje dostosowane do graczy. Aktywna administracja: Dbamy o porządek i dobrą atmosferę. Nowoczesne Interiory Których nigdzie do tej pory nie widzieliście ! Nie czekaj zacznij swoją przygodę w świecie prawdziwego RolePlay. Stwórz swoją historię, rozwijaj się, pracuj, rywalizuj i buduj relacje!