Role-Playing | Writing
Almost a year ago a new drug sweeped the nation. Known as Blitz this drug moved fast through pharmaceutical testing, to back alley drug deals and military experimentation. However the drug itself wasn't the problem. It was what came next that brought the world to it's knees. A month later people began displaying volatile and hard to control powers. These people were called the Blitzers. One by one cities began to fall. Jersey City, Staten Island, and Las Vegas. In an effort to to keep from falling further into chaos the USA employed a new government agency known as The Bureau of Super powered Affairs, an aggressive force employing a range of methods to subjugate and oppress via martial law. One of these methods was the employment of Blitzers. However despite this oppressive force, heroes have begun to rise up against them and those who try to gain something on the backs of innocents. whether they're villains or members of the BSA themselves. How will you choose in a modern day NYC?