Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Ayano Icon
Music | Anime
Ayano isn't just your average music bot; it's a feature-packed solution that brings relaxation and customization to your server. With a wide range of commands, Ayano lets you fine-tune your lofi music experience. Use commands like "/play," "/volume" to control playback. Want to set the mood? Ayano offers a variety of filters and effects to enhance your listening pleasure. Whether you're hosting a chill hangout or just need some background tunes, Ayano has you covered. Elevate your Discord server with Ayano's unparalleled lofi music streaming capabilities today!
Bouya Icon
Bot | Music
Message de Bienvenue (dans le salon de message système) COMMANDES Musique🎵 /lofi 🎶 (Live Lofi avec musique chill) /pause ⏸️ (Pause de la musique) /resume ▶️ (Reprise de la musique /stop ⛔ (Arrêt et deconnexion de la musique et du bot) /skip ⏩ (Passe la musique) /shuffle 🔀 (Mélange la musique) /clearqueue 🚬 (Enlève la musique existante) Info 😺 /help 🍀 (Commandes d'aide) /avatar 🥀 (PP d'un utilisateur ou soi-même) /info 👤 (Information sur un utilisateur ou soi-même) /stats 🤖 (Statistiques de Bouya) Moderation 🔍 /setuplogs 📋 (Mise en place des logs dans un salon) /clear 🧹 (Supprime des messages) /lock 🔒 (Vérouille un salon) /unlock 🔓 🔑 (Déverouille un salon) Level et Rank 📈 /level 🍃 (Carte de niveau d'un utilisateur ou soi-même) /rank (en train de le faire...)