DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
©• MinezHost Icon
Gaming | Community
Seja Todos Bem Vindos!
MK2 Army Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
mk2 4 life
Bengal tigers Icon
Gaming | eSports
Cs go and Valorant Indian server. It's a new server, you guys will make it big... Languages used ate Bengali, English and Hindi
?Gaming  kingdom? Icon
Gaming | Social
Hola! Esta es una creciente comunidad de habla hispana dedicada al gaming, especialmente en juegos como Hearts of Iron, Cs: Go, League of Legends, pero también un lugar para hablar de lo que sea.
GMMK eSports Icon
Gaming | eSports
Welcome to the csgo server. this server is for playing and meeting people. we might choose some players to be the moderators of the server(don't ask for a role) avoid talking bad words to people or else you will get banned from the server
Th3 Devils Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello everyone ! we don't have a million member but if you'r someone who's searching for a server with ppl online and educated persons to have fun with and get to know them this is the right place for you. Also we have everything you need on a server ! . VC . Music . helpful Bots . and more !..
CS Wrocław - sieć serwerów Icon
Gaming | eSports
CS Wrocław - sieć serwerów CS
Pikachu Comunity Icon
YouTuber | Entertainment
Este discord ha sido creado para la Comunidad de Pikachu, compartir un espacio juntos para poder jugar a diversos juegos. También se harán Sorteos dentro discord y Promociones. Podras obtener Skins Gratis mediante los apartados de #【?】│➯?????? y #【?】│➯??????????-?????? . Recuerda seguirme en todas las Redes Sociales para estar Informado Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTdVRhUuElMjMrBVCJBusgQ Twiter: https://twitter.com/david2pg4 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pika_family_/
happiness resides here Icon
eSports | Community
welcome to our server, do check every section help us to grow by subscribing our channel and promote your self as well in the related channel stay active give ideas organize events and gain promotion most importantly enjoy lets create our and be the next big community where each member is recognized.
Newbies Gaming School Icon
This server is for anyone who wants to learn a video game but may be too intimidated by "Good Players" to want to continue that game. Here in this server, we have experienced players in a variety of games ready to help you learn how to be a God at whatever game you're trying to learn. YOU choose when you want to learn, simply mention a Sensei and if one's available you're good to start a training session. Roles, leveling and a relaxed atmosphere, I hope you enjoy the server!
RG Server BR Icon
Gaming | Community
E ai galera eu estou aqui divulgando um servidor para quem tem o BF 3, CS:GO é COD-MW mas não tem com que jogar e nenhum dos seus amigos quis baixar o jogo que nem eu então eu criei um servidor para que todos os amantes de jogos FPS que querem jogar mas esta entediado de ficar sozinho então esta aqui a solução um servidor para jogos de FPS novinho no capricho
Study 1 on 1 Icon
Education | Community | Growth
Hi, welcome! We are a server created so you can find people to study 1-on-1 with . :) You can check out our #find-a-study-partner section to post an ad so you can find people to do 25 min and 50 min poms, etc with. Or just to find people to hold each other accountable. Join today and enjoy!
Study 1 on 1 Discord Server Banner
Study 1 on 1 Icon
Education | Community | Growth
Hi, welcome! We are a server created so you can find people to study 1-on-1 with . :) You can check out our #find-a-study-partner section to post an ad so you can find people to do 25 min and 50 min poms, etc with. Or just to find people to hold each other accountable. Join today and enjoy!
Anonymous Icon
Gaming | eSports
Suomalainen peliyhteisö joka keskittyy csgo ja Gta v roolipeliin. Hyviä ja hauskoja pelihetkiä toivottaa koko Anonymous yhteisön ylläpit! GLHF
Blasteir Icon
Gaming | Social
Hola a todos y sean bienvenidos a nuestro server oficial de warframe, buscamos el de expandirnos y formar una comunidad, Blasteir abre sus puertas para reclutar a fieles tenno de maestrías bajas que quieran ser parte de esta nueva familia, brindando ayuda en los diferentes ámbitos del juego cubriendo necesidades de planos y algunos recursos, empezara a brindarse recursos a los tenno que empiecen alcanza una maestría aceptable y demuestren su compromiso de actividad dentro del clan. contamos con -economia -canales de voz y musica -variedades en canales y juegos -roles de nivel
Fdnit Gamers Clan Icon
eSports | Gaming
Bem Vindo ao ⭐️Fd_Nit⭐️ ! um canal multijogos voltado a jogos online e bate papo entre amigos, venha fazer parte e jogar com a gente!! ?
CS2 Crusaders Icon
Gaming | eSports
Salut! CS2 Crusaders este un server de Discord dedicat jocurilor Counter Strike Global Offensive și Counter Strike 2. Serverul este localizat în România și este destinat doar jucătorilor din România. Dacă ești pasionat de jocurile Counter Strike și vrei să te alături unei comunități active și prietenoase, atunci acest server este locul potrivit pentru tine! Hi! CS2 Crusaders is a Discord server dedicated to Counter Strike Global Offensive and Counter Strike 2 games. The server is located in Romania and is intended only for players from Romania. If you are passionate about Counter Strike games and want to join an active and friendly community, then this server is the right place for you!
Friends community Icon
Community | Anime
We invite you all to join our discord server ? FRIENDS ? We are a community in the true sense of the word ,founded 3 years ago by a very close group of friends. Our staff and members are very mature and frendly.