Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Onymless Airsoft Icon
Sports | Hobbies
Onymless Airsoft aims to create a fun social community that brings Airsofters together from all over the world. We are a hub for Airsofters to get together, share stories, show of kits and so much more! With our recruitment forums, in the server, YOU can find squads or post your own! Onymless Airsoft was formed by the Onymless Airsoft Squad based in the Midwest US. The Onymless Squad hosts airsoft meetups in the Midwest area, but we are always looking for more fields to explore and people to play with. If you want a place to meet or play with other Airsofters, look no further!
NRM Recruitment Center Icon
Military | Virtual Reality
Neptunes Royal Military Recruitment Center has both the forms for NRN (Neptunes Royal Navy) for Sail VR and NRAF (Neptunes Royal Air Force) for VRchat, each server is a milsim (Military Simulator) with rank structure, on duty and off duty chats, training events, giveaways, and fun off duty events, we even have a looking for group chat with the LFG ping, and each server is vary easy to navigate, when you join you’ll be greeted by a RO (Recruitment Officer) and be moved to a private chat, you’ll then be asked to answer some questions to see if you’re the right fit for the server, if you don’t want to wait for a RO you can just go to the “form templates” channel and copy either the NRN form template or the NRAF form template and fill it out in the “recruitment office forms” channel, after that you’ll be sent an invite to the main server of which ever form you filled out. There’s more information on how we run things in the server, Hope to see you there!
Gaming | Community
Rockstar CrewHub is the central place for all crew activity in GTA and RDR! Hosting dozens of crews, it's considered the OFFICIAL Discord Server for the GTA and RDR Crew Community. FEATURES: - Crew Advertising and Recruitment Channels - Custom Crew Roles - Official List of Active Crews - 15 Personality Roles based on Story Characters - Trashing Talking Channels At your own risk! - 4 Media Outlets (Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, In-Game Photography) - 6 Voice Channels to for Gaming and Chatting! - Looking-For-Players to meet new people! - Fun Bots! (Yui and Dank Memer) - Active, helpful, and engaging staff! What are you waiting for? Get you and your Crewmates in here and make a name for yourselves in the Crew Community!
xViip3RxX's server Icon
Gaming | eSports
A new clan trying to come up and grow please help us out and let us get known and feel free to apply to join
Gaming | eSports
Fast growing community dedicated to playing Clash of Clans. Find useful YouTube feeds, game strategy talk/help and much more Clash related.
Royal Nemesis Icon
Gaming | Sports
New club ps4, recruits any position and looking for: - Very experienced players - Active players (everyday minimum) Icon
Programming | Community
Rejoignez notre serveur Discord Solers pour rester informé des offres d'emploi et rencontrer d'autres développeurs.
💻TechMate👨 Icon
Career | Technology
🌐 TechMate is a dedicated community for IT enthusiasts and professionals from all backgrounds. Our goal is to help people around the world finding the job that suits them. Come promote your skills and job offers like nowhere else. Join us now and find your tech mates.
Gaming | PC
o CV é uma organização clandestina que opera nas sombras da cidade PROCESSO ROLEPLAY, influenciando seus rumos por meio de estratégias calculadas e alianças poderosas. Composta por indivíduos habilidosos e determinados, a facção se destaca pela sua capacidade de adaptar-se às circunstâncias e de manter uma presença discreta enquanto exerce sua influência sobre o submundo e os círculos políticos da cidade.
Ashes of Creation Recruiting Icon
Gaming | eSports
This new server will feature Guild Ads and Player Ads to make it easier for everyone to discover their ideal guild home. More options mean better chances of finding a guild that fits your playstyle and personality! We’re looking for moderators, suggestions, and enthusiastic players to join in! Here are the roles we currently have set. - Guild Ambassadors - Rep your guild if you're in leadership. - Guild Recruiters - Recruit for the team! - Looking for Guild - Post an ad saying what you're looking for and have guilds come to you! - Casual members - just looking to hang out, Just chill and mingle. - Content Creators - Talk about content, your content, or help people start creating content. Some perks - Reddit Crawlers: the recruitment reddit and scanning the official reddit for recruitment or guild seeking ads. - Currently working on a Forum Crawler bot to repost Guild Ads and Seeking ads into the reddit, with link and information included. - Interview Channels: Need to interview, o
New! Server Recruitment Icon
Growth | Community
Currently an empty discord server - looking for people who want to team up and build a community. Kind of stuck on trying to find a topic for it and am open to new suggestions and people helping me set it up and run it. I’ve built servers in the past but a bit rusty and want to work with others to create an enjoyable environment. If you are interested in grouping up or just want 5o be a part of a server from its bare roots, pop on in.