Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Minion Icon
Community | Bot
Minion Bot is a economy Bot. You can rob other Users and you have a big inventory! You can buy items and become a millionare!
Server bumper Icon
Gaming | Social
Hey there welcome to the outpost of sector 9. This is my twitch server for TTV/wick114. We are a gaming community we welcome xbox, PC,PlayStation, and Switch players. We focus as much as we can on crossplay games but we know that ain't possible all the time, which is honestly ok. The games we are focusing on right now on our server are: -diablo 4 -Destiny 2 -dead by daylight -battlebit (role yet to be made) -Monster Hunter Rise/sunbreak -Deep rock galactic -Halo MCC -Phasmophobia We also play other games besides these 3, these are just the main ones. We do not tolerate racism,discrimantion, politics if are to bring that into the server it will be dealt with quickly. Main goals of this server is to bring people together for making friends, gaming, streaming and online activities. Hope to see you all there. Tell then radio out.
Interly Icon
Tournaments | Entertainment
With interly, you can create fully customizable Event Shops, with items that have whatever name, description, cost, role_reward, role_duration, quantity_amount, you decide to set! Once you create a custom event shop, you can then reward winners of your events with /add-remove-currency to give them an "Event Point". Which that point can be spent in your custom shop! Well as we have a basic economy system set up. Where users can use /harvest to earn economy coins. The sky is the limits! More event features soon! Setup Event Shop: /create-item /unlist-item /buy-item /view-item /inventory /balance /leaderboard Economy System: /harvest Settings System: /add-remove-currency (Reward Event Points or Economy Coins) And more commands! Checkout the bot to get your event shop started.
Lotus Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
the ultimate Warframe Discord app - your all-in-one hub for everything you need to conquer the Origin System! With our feature-packed dashboard, you'll have complete control over your server's Warframe experience. Dashboard: Easily manage your server's settings, channels, and permissions all in one place. Customize your Warframe bot's behavior to suit your server's needs. Automod: Keep your server safe and welcoming with our advanced automoderation features. Set up filters to prevent spam, protect against spoilers, and maintain a positive community environment. Events: Never miss a TennoCon or Baro Ki'Teer visit again! Our event scheduler keeps you informed about upcoming in-game events, alerts, and special promotions. Giveaways: Engage your community and reward your loyal Tenno with our giveaway system. Set up giveaways for Platinum, Prime items, or exclusive Warframe gear effortlessly. And so much more!
TicTacToe Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Here is the text without HTML or CSS: TicTacToe 🎲 TicTacToe is an innovative application that allows users to play the classic TicTacToe game directly within their Discord server. The bot not only provides the standard functionalities of the game but also features a highly advanced AI that enables the bot to play at an intelligent and challenging level. 🤖 Bot's AI Capabilities The bot's AI has been carefully developed and optimized to make strategic decisions and choose the best moves in the game. It is capable of analyzing and applying various game strategies to influence the course of the game and aims to defeat the opponent. 🌟 Challenge the AI With the advanced AI of TicTactoe, users can not only play against friends but also challenge the bot and test their skills. The AI will always provide a challenging and exciting gaming experience while encouraging users to improve and learn their own strategies.
Flaux Icon
Bot | Community
Boost your Discord server with chat rewards, sticky messages, detailed logging, a customizable welcome system, and more!