Martine Icon
Entertainment | Art
Martine is a multipurpose bot that can boost the member engagement of your server! Leveling, giveaways, streams alerts, games stats, a lot of images commands, and so much more to discover! Links: Invite Martine: Website: Join our Discord:
Martine Discord Server Banner
Martine Discord Server Banner
Martine Icon
Entertainment | Art
Martine is a multipurpose bot that can boost the member engagement of your server! Leveling, giveaways, streams alerts, games stats, a lot of images commands, and so much more to discover! Links: Invite Martine: Website: Join our Discord:
Anime Recommendator Icon
Anime | Community
You love anime. You are interested in anime. You watched a lot of anime, or you didn't, it doesn't matter, you like animes. If you don't know what to watch, then just invite this bot to your server, and use ">help", and you will get a lot of anime recommendations. ;) Note: Bot is still under development, the lists will grow. If you have any recommendations, hit me on pm "Revo#4903", I will add it to the list, changelog, and list you on credits.