Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Bouya Icon
Bot | Music
Message de Bienvenue (dans le salon de message système) COMMANDES Musique🎵 /lofi 🎶 (Live Lofi avec musique chill) /pause ⏸️ (Pause de la musique) /resume ▶️ (Reprise de la musique /stop ⛔ (Arrêt et deconnexion de la musique et du bot) /skip ⏩ (Passe la musique) /shuffle 🔀 (Mélange la musique) /clearqueue 🚬 (Enlève la musique existante) Info 😺 /help 🍀 (Commandes d'aide) /avatar 🥀 (PP d'un utilisateur ou soi-même) /info 👤 (Information sur un utilisateur ou soi-même) /stats 🤖 (Statistiques de Bouya) Moderation 🔍 /setuplogs 📋 (Mise en place des logs dans un salon) /clear 🧹 (Supprime des messages) /lock 🔒 (Vérouille un salon) /unlock 🔓 🔑 (Déverouille un salon) Level et Rank 📈 /level 🍃 (Carte de niveau d'un utilisateur ou soi-même) /rank (en train de le faire...)
Ecora Icon
Entertainment | Community
An economy discord bot that will improve your discord servers entertainment
Moodie Icon
Programming | Technology
Moodie is a Discord Bot capable of replacing the most popular bots like Mee6, Dyno, and Dank Memer. With Moodie offering 99% of the features that the other bots offer, plus their premium features all for free, we can assure you won't be disappointed.
Wraith Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Wraith bot provides free service for everything and has unique features: - Casino: It runs globally so you can compete against everyone who uses the bot. With its currency, you can set up features like XP conversion on your server. Our games (blackjack, slots, roulette) differ from the others, differently give them a try if you're interested. (Leaderboard is included) - XP/Levels-System: You can set as many levels as you want so users can earn XP (customizable as you'd like) through texting or being in a voice chat. You can also reward them with a role(s), on each level-up! (Leaderboard is included) - Logs: We provide logs for moderation commands (only the ones that get run through the bot!), for the XP-System, and for the Casino. - Moderation: Basic ones like "delete msgs, ban, kick, etc" (can also be done through userID!). A unique one would be the "blacklist" where only certain user(s) can unban a user(s) from the server! - Roles-Backup: Have you ever wanted the users that lea
Agni Farma Icon
Bot | Community
A fun bot for any server! DRAGON!!!!!!!! Have fun with this amazing bot! has a leveling system and currency system! based on: Join the support server:
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music | Community
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Prosperity Icon
Prosperity is a levelling bot ready to skill up and boost up your Discord server We pride ourselves on openness, transparency and collaboration. Commands: - about (Describes the bot) - ignoredchannels (Ignores channels from gaining xp) - ignoredroles (Ignores roles from gaining xp) - import (Sends a message to join the support server if you need levels importing) - language (Sets the user/server's language) - leaderboard (Shows the leaderboard for that server) - level (Shows a user's level) - levelroles (Sets a role to give at a certain level) - levels (Gives or takes levels from a user) - settings (Controls settings for a server) - whitelabel (Prints out messages regarding white labelling of the bot) - xp (Gives or takes xp from a user) Website: Patreon:
LevelBot Icon
Level system and economy. The language of the bot is Russian-English (switching /lang eng)
Bot | Music
Our bot has next features: [Animoji] When the erver member without nitro sends animated emoji from this server, his message deletes and sends the new with rendered emoji To delete your new message, just add reaction with ❌ on it [Autorole] When a member or bot joins your server, it gets the role specified for the its type [Level System] [Role by reaction] [Music] [Gif] [Meme] [osu!] In the future we will implement: [Moderation] [Web Dashboard] And more
Bot thing Icon
Gaming | Community
This is a server based around the game geometry dash. We have feedback channels, Collab channels for both me and you. There are other games too, I will add more just give suggestions and I will add it. If the server just isn't for you at times, give me some suggestions of what to change in server suggestions. I have made this server for you guys more than for me so join up and have fun. The link to the server just in case the one for the button doesn't work.