Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Tech47 Icon
Technology | Community
Community to bring technology ranging from hardware to home automation together. Things we rely on 24/7.
SUB2r Icon
Streaming | Technology
Community and Support server for SUB2r Cameras.
zAfLu Icon
Community | Gaming
zAfLu community discord
Junction Seven Icon
Community | Gaming
Junction 7 is an easy going community for general chit chat and discussion. We mainly focus on PC Hardware and music discussion, but anything goes. We have nsfw channels for /those/ people.
Trust Hardware Icon
Providing Real time help with hardware related questions- to also place orders with the store directly!
Hardware Icon
Community | Technology
Under construction...
Get PC Icon
Community | Technology
Under construction...
Segment Fault Icon
Segment Fault is where you can discuss technology, programming, software, and hardware. Showcase your projects. Or even have a debate about technology or programming.
Technical City Icon
Technology | Programming
Willkommen auf Technical City! Ein deutschsprachiger Informatik Discord Server. Hier kannst du dich mit verschiedensten Computer Enthusiasten und ITlern über Hardware, Netzwerke, Kryptografie, Cybersicherheit etc. austauschen, Karriere fragen stellen und vieles mehr. Wir freuen uns auf dich! Icon
Technology | Community
🚀 Bienvenue sur ! La communauté informatique ultime. 🖥️💡 ✨ Ce qui nous distingue : 💻 Assistance Expert : Résolvez vos problèmes PC avec l'aide de nos experts. 🛠️ Configurations Personnalisées : Créons ensemble la config parfaite. 🤝 Communauté Active : Échangez conseils et expériences avec des passionnés. ⁉️ Posez vos questions : Nous sommes là pour vous guider. Rejoignez-nous sur pour une expérience informatique exceptionnelle ! 🛡️💻
Tegal Dev Icon
Technology | Programming
Sebuah komunitas yang mewadahi dan menghubungkan para developer IT di Tegal untuk berkembang bersama melalui kolaborasi dan inovasi menuju kemajuan teknologi.
Master PC Builder Icon
PC | Gaming
Welcome to MPCB! We're a thriving community of PC building enthusiasts, gamers, and tech aficionados! Whether you're here for support, to build your dream PC, or just to unwind with some gaming, you've come to the right place! Join us for community nights, live streams, and a friendly atmosphere where everyone is welcome! 💻👾 IG: masterpcbuilder 🔹 We offer: ➡️ Custom PC Builds: Our experienced members can help you design, build, and ship your dream PC. 🛠️💻 ➡️ Buying Advice: Get personalized buying advice tailored to your needs, whether it's for custom PC parts, prebuilt systems, or laptops. 🛒💡 ➡️ PC Troubleshooting: Receive one-on-one guidance to solve any PC issues you encounter. 🆘🖥️ ➡️ Tech & Game Deals: Stay updated on the latest tech and game deals from around the world. ➡️ Game News & Events: Keep up with the latest game news and join us for live watch parties of game events. 📰 📺 ➡️ Trading Bot: Use our trading bot to gain custom collectibles within the server.
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Teclab Icon
Technology | Education
Aprenda a escolher fontes de energia para o seu computador......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
LevelUpVape Icon
Community | DIY
**Komm zu uns auf Discord!** Du dampfst, zockst gern oder bist Hardware-Fan? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! 🔹 **Dampfen**: Tipps, Tricks & DIY-Rezepte 🎮 **Gaming**: Gemeinsam zocken & Events 💻 **Hardware**: Tech-Talk & Builds Sei Teil unserer freundlichen Community – wir freuen uns auf dich! 💬 Icon
Community | Technology
Join us for direct support on Mi Products or when you have any Problems with ur Mi Product. We are happy to help you with it.
ViiZiiX Icon
YouTuber | Technology
Un serveur communautaire Hardware basé sur la chaîne de ViiZiiX, un YouTubeur tenant une série "Une config pour un abonné", un concept où ses abonnés demande une config (PC) ou un setup et qui sera fait pour une prochaine vidéo ! Ce serveur à été créé par un abonné pour les abonné(e)s demandant une config, un salon est d’ailleurs spécialement conçu pour les demandes de cette série ! Vous n'êtes cependant pas obligé de connaitre le personnage pour rejoindre le serveur celui-ci à aussi été adapté pour parler d'Hardware en général !
PC Management Icon
Support | Technology
Come here for support with anything technical. We can help with PCs, game problems, and much more. We are always looking for people who know their way around stuff like this. We have support for nearly 24 hours. Come and join us for help and maybe even stick around!
Code Buddies Icon
Programming | Technology
Programação tecnologia código suporte hardware software sistemas C python JavaScript github git
The RGBT Community Icon
Technology | Community
Tech savvy and friendly server. Looking for new members! LGBT friendly. Icon
Technology | Gaming
Herzlich Willkommen auf, der größten deutschen Hardware-Community. Schau mal vorbei wenn du Lust auf nette Leute oder interresante Themen rund um PC-Hardware und Gaming hast und falls deine Hardware mal streikt bieten wir und unsere Community 1A Support in allen Bereichen an.
Mile High Discord Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome! We're a newly established all inclusive Colorado based Gaming & Geek Community! Ever evolving, this server was created for those of us in Colorado (and our friends!) to come together, chat and get our geek on - especially during these trying times! Gamers, streamers, anime lovers, movie critics, TV bingers, technophiles, and so much more. Whatever your geeky passion, this is the place for you! There are several different topics and games to choose from - in order to view these areas (they're just hidden for simplicity sake), simply go to #select-interests to unlock the categories you're interested in!
Tech4Life Icon
Technology | Programming
This server is for all the Techies around. Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, everyone is welcome! Also, we have FREE BOOKS & SOFTWARE!!
HardwareHilfe Icon
Technology | Support
HardwareHilfe... ...das Netzwerk wenn du problemme mit Hardware oder Software hast. Hier kannst du dir professionelle Hilfe geben lassen. natürlich gibt es auch viele andere Tolle Futures wie: Levelingsystem, Giveaways, memes und noch viel mehr :)
ZERF Tech Icon
YouTuber | Support | Technology
Official ZERFTech Discord - Join our friendly budget PC gaming server for tech advice or just hang out with the crowd!
Honesty Club Icon
Community | Gaming | Entertainment
Honesty Club is a community server centered around honesty and transparency. Giving its users the freedom to express themselves without fear, as long as they are respectful and kind about it. It is not a free pass to be rude or toxic, and any form of it will not be tolerated.
Honesty Club Discord Server Banner
Honesty Club Icon
Community | Gaming | Entertainment
Honesty Club is a community server centered around honesty and transparency. Giving its users the freedom to express themselves without fear, as long as they are respectful and kind about it. It is not a free pass to be rude or toxic, and any form of it will not be tolerated.
The Code Capsule Icon
Programming | Technology
- The Code Capsule - The Code Capsule is a place to discuss, various programming languages, new applications, interesting games, hardware, and much more. - Staff Applications are open - High suggestion acceptance - Small - Good support This group is small, so join and you may be able to get a veteran role.
Hardware & Cie Icon
Technology | Community
Salut à toi! Bienvenue sur ce serveur d'hardware qu'est Hardware n' Cie ! Dans ce serveur tu pourra trouver : -Une équipe compétante pouvant t'aider pour tout type de problèmes d'hardware ! -Des évènements tout les mois avec une récompense à la clé ! -Un channel de bon plans d'hardware ainsi qu'un channel de drop de Founder Edition et de consoles next gen ! -Des channels pour tout types de discussions comme l'hardware, l'overcloking , la crypto,le software Et bien plus ! Et si tu souhaite devenir helper sur le serveur , n'hésite pas à poster ta candidature !Et bien évidemment si tu ne parvint pas à devenir helpeur au premier essai , tu pourras réessayer plus tard ! Sur ce je te souhaite un bon séjour sur Hardware n'cie ou une bonne continuation -Le Staff
PC Paradise Icon
Technology | Community
PC Paradise is a great PC building enthusiast, and tech support server, with knowledge and active members. There are many help channels for different problems, such as build help, overclocking help, troubleshooting, and just general tech support. We also have miscellaneous channels for other types o
Tq´s OC Hub Icon
Community | Support
This Server aims to solve OS/software related issues and provide you with the latest tech/hardware knowledge. Overclocking or undervolting? No problem, we got you covered. I also design my own Windows ISO and update it once per month to bring it to the latest security standard, multiple times it has been prooven to boost performance drastically in some cases, dont trust me? Check out my comparison vs a stock windows! Come join
Falkenstein Gaming & Technik Icon
Gaming | Community
Strategiespiele, Rollenspiele, Indie-Spiele, MMORPG sind neben einer umfangreichen Technikforum zu finden. Deutsche aktive Gemeinschaft unter einem Banner vereint. Gute Übersicht & Struktur, integrierte umfangreiche Foren, Server Boosts LVL 2, Discord Beta Zugänge etc. | Spielübergreifende Gilden!
Pentium Club Icon
Technology | Support
Pentium Club est un serveur discord qui a comme thème principal l'hardware mais on vous aidera aussi avec vos problèmes software, il est possible qu'on ne vous réponde pas tout de suite mais à chaque fois que vous recontrerez un problème nous ferons de tout notre possible pour vous aider. La modération est assez flexible, pas de craintes :)
RoboCoop Icon
Technology | Community
Bienvenue sur RoboCoop ! Notre objectif ? Faire de cet endroit le lieu où vous voulez être lorsque vous avez besoin de votre dose de discussions épiques sur la robotique, le hardware, le software et tout ce qui se trouve entre ces deux mondes. Besoin de conseils, d'infos ou simplement envie de partager vos idées géniales ? Notre équipe est à votre écoute. Après tout, nous sommes là pour rendre votre séjour chez Robocoop mé-mo-ra-ble. Attachez vos ceintures, car vous êtes sur le point de vivre une aventure extraordinaire au sein de notre formidable communauté (≧∇≦)ノ
CyberSpace Icon
eSports | Technology
CyberSpace This is community for Gamers, Coding and Hardware lovers! We welcome absolutely everyone! We don't need you to know how to code, game or build a computer! We love to meet new people! Who knows you might learn something new! We also provide areas to play with bots aswell as giveaways and for those game we do tournaments!
Pizza Delicious Club Icon
Community | Entertainment
Welcome to Pizza Delicious Club! An agglomeration of forums to talk about the hottest technology topics of the moment, and also niches that are hard to find. can't find what you're looking for? start a new group and have fun with your friends! for the more fanatical, we also have an NFT pizza that gives you access to some VIP functions. The token has incorporated the invitation link to discord, where the token's possession will be verified through,
the starting price is 0.02 ETH. The maximum supply will be 4999 tokens. It will be possible to buy one of our tokens on our site, accessible through discord. No more tokens will be printed.
Anas Community🍍 Icon
Community | Gaming
🎮 Joignez-vous au Serveur Discord Officiel d'Anas6424! 🎉 Découvrez l'univers passionnant du streaming et des jeux vidéo avec Anas6424, le célèbre streamer de Twitch! 💥 💬 Salons textuels et vocaux variés pour se divertir et jouer ensemble. 🎁 Accès à des jeux payants devenus gratuits - Ne manquez pas cette chance! 🛠️ Besoin d'aide pour votre config gaming? Nous sommes là pour vous! 🎉 Tournois, sessions de jeu et discussions palpitantes avec la communauté. Rejoignez-nous dès aujourd'hui et plongez dans une expérience de jeu unique! 🚀 Ne laissez pas passer cette opportunité incroyable. Rejoignez-nous maintenant et faites partie de l'action! 👾
Informatik Icon
Technology | Community
Willkommen im Informatik Discord - dem ultimativen Treffpunkt für alle Technikbegeisterten! Unser Discord-Server bietet dir eine vielfältige Palette an Möglichkeiten, um dein Wissen zu erweitern, dich mit Gleichgesinnten zu vernetzen und in einer freundlichen und lebendigen Community zu interagieren. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf dem Team Building, denn wir glauben fest daran, dass Zusammenarbeit und Kooperation essentiell sind, um in der Welt der Informatik erfolgreich zu sein. Wir fördern den Austausch von Ideen, die Lösung von Problemen im Team und die gemeinsame Weiterentwicklung von Projekten. Egal, ob du gerade erst anfängst oder bereits ein erfahrener Entwickler bist, bei uns findest du immer jemanden, der bereit ist, dir zu helfen oder mit dir zusammenzuarbeiten.
Technology | Gaming
A small server dedicated to discussion on everything tech, whether you're building a PC, a server, interested in opensource, or just want to make friends, this might be the place for you. To be transparent, the following is written by AI, lol: In our community, you'll find: * **PC Building and Hardware Discussions**: Share your builds, ask for advice, and learn from others about the latest components and technologies. * **Open-Source Software Enthusiasts**: Explore the world of open-source software, discuss your favorite projects, and collaborate on new ideas. * **Gaming Community**: Join other gamers to talk about the latest releases, share tips and tricks, and participate in online gaming sessions. * **Tech News and Updates**: Stay up-to-date with the latest news, trends, and breakthroughs in the tech world. * **Friendly and Supportive Environment**: Make new friends, ask questions, and get help from our knowledgeable community members.
Furry Legion Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Furry Legion is an active and fast growing furry server aimed to create a positive and accepting place on Discord for furs, and non furs alike!
Furry Legion Discord Server Banner
Furry Legion Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Furry Legion is an active and fast growing furry server aimed to create a positive and accepting place on Discord for furs, and non furs alike!
Stangl_Tech Icon
Technology | PC
Entdecke die Welt der IT auf unserem Discord-Server! 🖥️ Für IT-Enthusiasten und Code-Liebhaber: Bist du fasziniert von der Welt der Informationstechnologie? Liebst du es zu coden und dich mit Netzwerken auszukennen? 🌐 Lebendige Community: Trete einer Community von Gleichgesinnten bei, um Wissen zu teilen, Fragen zu stellen und gemeinsam zu lernen. 🚀 Wachse mit uns: Entdecke neue Technologien, löse spannende Herausforderungen und lass dich von innovativen Ideen inspirieren. 🤝 Gemeinsam stark: Zusammen können wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen, um unsere Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und in der IT-Welt erfolgreich zu sein. 💬 Join us: Werde Teil unserer lebendigen IT-Community und tauche ein in eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten! Verpasse nicht die Chance, dich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen und gemeinsam in die faszinierende Welt der IT einzutauchen! Trete unserem Discord-Server bei und entdecke, lerne und wachse mit uns. 🚀
TurboHardware Icon
Technology | Gaming
- Unete a la comunidad de amantes del Hardware - Presupuestos, Guias de compra y recomendaciones - Compra-Venta de Hardware - Software para tu PC, Windows 10 Pro 64bits, Office Plus, Photoshop, Adobe Premier - PC Master Race, comparte tus fotos y videos
ByteWise Icon
Hobbies | Technology
Welcome to ByteWise! We’re your go-to Discord server for all things tech. Whether you’re building a PC, troubleshooting issues, or seeking advice on prebuilt systems, our friendly community is here to help. Get expert guidance on hardware, software, and performance, and connect with fellow tech enthusiasts. Join us for support, tips, and discussions about the latest in technology. Let’s tackle your tech challenges together!
Overclocking Icon
Join our vibrant community of PC enthusiasts and overclocking experts! Whether you're diving into extreme liquid nitrogen cooling for record-breaking benchmarks or just looking to squeeze out that extra FPS for your favorite game, the official overclocking server is the place for you. 🔧 Hardware Tuning & Tweaking - Get advice from seasoned overclockers, share your setups, and learn the latest tricks to push your hardware to the limit. 💬 Friendly Community - Connect with like-minded enthusiasts, share your experiences, and get inspired by others.
Shadow Official Server Icon
Technology | Support
Welcome to the Shadow Official Server! This is a quiet and friendly tech server where you can talk about technology in general and where you can ask for advice on laptops, pc list, peripherials and suggestions for your setup. In addition, our server has a community of users who share their interests in technology and PC's. Need help assembling your PC? The official server of Shadow_ is a perfect place for PC enthusiasts, to share opinions and advice on hardware components and peripherals. Our experienced members are here to share their knowledge of this field. Interested in tech news? You will be able to choose whether to receive notifications regarding tech news from TechPowerUp, Tom’s Hardware and Hardware Upgrade (ITALY). Do you want to have free games? You can also choose to receive notifications for video games on Steam, Epic Games and GOG. So that you can expand your collection of video games. Join in the Shadow Official Server, and join our community!!
CodingRoot☕ Icon
Programming | Technology
Bienvenido/a a la comunidad CodingRoot☕! Somos una pequeña comunidad enfocada a la informática (programación, desarrollo y hardware/software). Dedicada a personas que desean aprender, mejorar o ayudar a los demás, encontrarás usuarios de todo tipo, desde principiantes que están comenzando hasta personas mas expertas de cada tema, aquí podrás empezar un nuevo proyecto o continuarlo con otros usuarios dispuestos a colaborar contigo. Contamos con varias categorías ordenadas con temas diferentes. Queremos crear una comunidad sana y tranquila, por lo que nos tomamos muy enserio el comportamiento de los usuarios para que este proyecto pueda seguir adelante. Nos vemos dentro!